Chapter 24

Jerry was now infamous as a crazy young man who might be the first mortal sent to the leviathan's prison. At this time, the young man in question, Jerry, was rolling on floor, despairing at the fact that he got himself into a pickle over a small mistake. Now he has to find a way to produce a thief just to get the accusation away from him. At this time, the floor was cold since it was early in the morning but he didn't seem to notice it as he was curled up and occasionally rolling around while groaning in despair. Xi Baobao was at this time just sitting on the side, quietly drinking tea with a calm expression on his face. He didn't seem concerned at the moment until he heard a knock the next moment. He put down his cup of tea and went to check.

Seeing it was Shang Fei, he turned to look at Jerry and shook his head, the opened the door and let him in. After a few words, they both came to the main room. When Shang saw Jerry on the floor, he sat on a chair.

"Hey kid, tell me everything that happened."

Hearing this, Jerry stood up suddenly and sat in another chair. He started to speak out about his plan to frame Ji Tiandi. When asked why, he said he was tired of being bullied therefore he wanted to to blackmail him into calling off his cronies that bully him everyday as he works. Also, after being visited a few days ago by Shang, he thought his secret of raising a sheep in hiding would leak out and the first person to take advantage of that would be Ji Tiandi as his immediate superior. Therefore he took certain measures but failed miserably.

After hearing all this, Shang shook his head, wondering what went on in this boy's mind that he thought of such stupid ideas. He equated that to the stress of being outcast and not having any belonging in the mansion. As he was about to give some some chicken soup for the soul. He heard Jerry say that he will take care of it before the four weeks are over.

On that evening, Jerry went to work and submitted a vacation request for a month prior. Usually that's almost impossible but since the boss himself was wrapped around his finger, he had no choice but to fulfill his request. The first thing Jerry decided to do with his free time was to reevaluate himself. He thought about everything he had done, the way he acted, spoke to people; the circumstances around him and many more. After an entire day of contemplation, he came to the idea that somehow filling the empty holes in his mind space was somehow useful to him but he hadn't figure out how or why, so he tried again.

At this time while meditating as usual, he decided to make some changes. He observed that in his mind palace, there always seemed to be a clear green stream flowing downwards from a void of some sort. When he observed the void clearer, he noticed it was weirdly bright. He came closer and then realized it was a small hole leading to the outside. He figured this might be where the spirit Qi comes from outside and sinks into his mind and he might be in his spirit roots. This always causes him question why he still couldn't cultivate at all until he remembered that for some reason he was able to create a fireball despite being a pure mortal. In his quest for answers, he sat down quietly and continued meditating as usual but now clearing observing the inflow of Qi to his mind palace. It didn't take long for his 11 th hole to be filled, then 12th, 13th, and finally fourteenth. When he tried to fill the fifteenth. He found out nothing was happening. He tried to fly towards the 15th hole and then came close to the previously filled holes that looked like stairs from top to bottom that have holes. When he got even closer, he realized that instead of stairs, it was a huge mountain with green spring flowing from the top of it like to the valley like a rice plantation and at each plateau there was a lake getting bigger and bigger the more one moved to the valley. And on the 15th level, there was a huge lake compared to the overflowing ponds up the mountain and even further down there was a freakin ocean on the 30th floor. He wondered when he would be able to fill it up and gave up immediately.

At this moment, he decided to name mountain in his mind palace the heaven and earth mountain while the holes where simply heaven for easier documentation. Now that 14 heavens where full. He decided to pause his meditation for a day and felt hungry. He went out to grab a snack while thinking to himself.

"Who would have thought, I'm actually smarter!! This seems unnatural but will I get struck by heavens will or something. I don't think so. It seems something was limiting my thinking in the past months since I came to this world. I wonder what? Hehe, interesting. Also it seems the reason I was able to manipulate literal fire was due to the fact that that this Qi actually burned up my neurons in accordance to their movements. Seems to be some quantum level shit that I don't have the resources to research. Since that's not helpful, I won't try it again. It seems my cognition have improved a little bit. Is this what they call improving IQ? Guessing from the ones I did while trying to enter Mensa back on Earth, it must be around 174. Ok, ok, some mental exercise. What's pi? 3.14159...know what, that's boring. Enough sciences, let's do humanities next."

After that, he walked up to a random person. It was a young man that had given him a scornful look a few minutes ago. He first observed the man from afar and told him to walk towards him. The man almost refused but Jerry immediately shouted.

"Hey buddy, come here. I have som-"

Before he could finish, the man came as quickly as possible to shut him up and he didn't want to stand out and gave him a vicious glare.

"Look at you standing there, menacingly. Haha, you won't get it. It's a meme."

The young man was then confused.


Seeing the confused expression on the young man, he ignored it and observed him up close for a few more seconds and came to a few conclusions.

"Anyway, why did you call me? If you have nothing to say, I will be on my way."

"Your fungus must really hurt right? I know that medicine must expensive for guys like us."

The young man seemed to tremble for a second, and then calmed down and replied with a vicious tone.

"What are you talking about? I don't know what nonsense you're spewing but please stop wasting my time or I will make you suffer in the future."

"Pretty vicious aren't you bud? Since I'm talking nonsense. I might as well take my nonsense to staff manager. Human Resources must be really curious as to why you might have fungus and still work in the noble lady's kitchen. A rule breaker like me huh. Must be really thrilling."