Chapter 28

A kid, one might as well say a man at this point, was looking frontwards on his path. There was neither the zigzag roads leading to a bunch of building nor anything much, just over 20 angry looking youths looking to get a chunk out of him if it cools them down. At this time, they were treading like a herd of buffaloes, unstoppable and capable of even killing a lion if it falls among them. This was what Jerry had set himself against.

Knowing there was no turning back, he put a leg forward and crouched until he got to the center of his gravity. His right hand was clenched at a 90 degree angle downward at a spherical coordinate facing left while his other arm was also clenched downward at a complete spherical coordinate facing frontward at a 90 degree. This was the most stable pose he could come up with in that short period of time before the crowd reached his zone. Without waiting for another second, he jump kicked the person from the right who first came until suddenly blocked the kicked with his freakin arms suddenly, causing immense pain onto Jerry's leg until his leg was pushed away. He traveled a few meters in the air and fell down, causing some dust to rise and a rust taste to appear in his mouth. He knew at that moment that he would be fucked if he treated these freaks of nature as normal humans compared to earth, after all they have been nourished my freakin magic or whatever Qi since birth, or that's what he thought at least. His leg was painful and he knew that after standing up he would be limping , therefore reducing his combat power. He knew he didn't have the ability to play around this time due to their freakish raw strength so he stood up nonetheless and brushed off the dust on his clothes.The macho guy who had just thrown him paused for a moment and ran towards him again.


The man paused in his steps, wondering what the little scrawny kid had to say for himself.

"Let bygone be bygones alright. Look, you have hurt my leg to this point and I will be limping the next few days because of you. I think that's enough. Don't you think?"

The macho man, as if he heard him, paused his steps in deep concentration. The rest of the squad were starting to get impatient and urged him to ignore the words of the enemy and that it was time to break bones. Listening to such vicious words, Jerry felt a little scared and promised himself to not have mercy. The macho man finally came out of his daze and looked at him inquisitively.

"I know you just used all your strength just now yet your strength was like a 10 year old's. How is that even possible ? No matter how sick or malnourished on might be, they wouldn't be so weak to the point of being like a child. Anyway, I will go easy on you and LISTEN HERE BOYS, LET'S ONLY BREAK HIS LIMBS AS PUNCHING ELSEWHERE WILL PROBABLY SEND HIM TO YAMA, YOU HEAR ME!!"


"Ok, let's break bones."

Hearing such wicked roars of battle made him a little helpless at their fascination with violence directed at himself, therefore he got into his former pose. Albeit limping a little, the macho man who was closest to him suddenly attacked towards his left shoulder, to which he dodged at the last moment by a hair's breadth by leaning to the right. Before the guy could retract his fist. His left clenched fist went up towards his ankle and his on his funny bone. He pulled back his right leg while also using it to trip the macho man's outstretched leg, causing him to fall into a split form. With that momentum, he twisted the pulled back right leg around himself and did a back kick towards the man's head. He knew this would only disorient him a bit because of his superficial strength. The kick was connected but it was the heel of the foot so he felt almost no pain. Taking advantage of that, he didn't even continue fighting but backed away as quickly as he can. The mobs that were following the macho guy in the back saw these impressive movements and paused involuntary long enough for Jerry to gain distance between himself and them. The macho guy was laying on the floor in total puzzlement as he thought about how he ended up on the ground. He stood up suddenly and told one of the angry mob to hand him a huge bag. The boy came forward and placed his heavy satchel on the ground with a thud sound. The macho man opened it and removed a ordinary looking armor and helmet. He threw these at Jerry.

"Hey, wear these quickly before we continue. I wouldn't want you dead before we go all out. You seem not easy."

Jerry seemed to not like the insinuation but he still grabbed the armor and helmet that was thrown at him. Unsurprisingly, it didn't fit him and but the helmet made him feel like a knight. It took less than ten seconds until he put on everything and beckoned for the mob to attack. This time however, the first to attack wasn't the macho guy but some skinnier guy who seemed impatient with the proceedings and did a jump punch attack towards his head. He didn't dodge but bent his back all the way to the ground while raising his foot to meet this annoying character just below the extended punch. It was a simple yet effective move. The attacker flinched in pain as he jumped back. The person then ran forward to grab the foot that had attacked his armpit but Jerry had stood up and punched out as well. The skinny guy, alarmed by the sudden change in situation, blocked his face with his arms and tried to back away. However at that moment, he also realized something astonishing, this Jerry guy was too weak and even if he let the attack hit his face he probably wouldn't have felt any pain. As he was in a daze at such a situation. Everyone around was misunderstanding this attack him being dizzy so they got vigilant and decided to attack together without any more communication. If the macho and skinny guy knew their thoughts they would probably like blood out of anger, the skinny guy even realized that the reason the armpit attack hurt was because Jerry was using the ground as a foundation and his body as a spear. Before these two knew, the rest of the group had surrounded Jerry as he grinned, knowing his tactic had worked.