Trial End

A majestic roar shook the heavens and earth, like a billowing anger, it made all those in its presence feel a terrifying pressure. Many in the crowd recognized this kind of strength.

A Silver path seeker. Everyone, including the guards, realized he has been hiding his strength and with one move, he broke his chains.

"Please don't walk away from the trial. I will only warn you once."

Once the princess of Yu clan spoke, the footstep that was about to step off the platform halted in midair and never came down.

"Now let's continue to hear what your wife has to say."

Everyone's eyes turned to her while her anxious face suddenly turned into a determined one and she continued.

"Yes ma'am. He had been a friend I could talk about my marital problems with and he truly understood me. My husband had started to get jealous a few months ago and he would beat him up whenever he saw him. That was when I decided to call him home and request an end to our friendship. It was on a dark night a week ago, he agreed because even though he was a strong warrior, he seemed to always get beat up by my husband. The fort was then kicked in and my husband walked in drunk and jumped towards his neck. I tried to pry him off but he threw me towards the wall and that's where I got this wound."

Everyone in the audience took a deep breadth.

"When I regained my consciousness, I saw him standing over his lifeless body, with his hands trembling. Being overwhelmed by fear, I closed my mouth to myself from screaming because I saw that scary look in his face. We had been married for 30 years so I know what it meant. He said he was going to take the body into the forest and I was to stay home and clean up evidence that he was here otherwise he would punish me if I did a sloppy job."

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Princess Yu, I don't know what she's talking about. I was with her the entire night after I returned from the bar. How could I do such a vile thing?"

With that he turned to glare at his wife, his murderous gaze filled with resentment and confusion. He knew his wife is not brave enough to out him. He thought something was fishy about the whole situation but his life was on the line so he didn't think about it.

"Since even your witness spoke against you and provided new evidence on your crime. I'm forced to pronounce you guilty of murder of a fellow colleague in the city mansion; which is punishable by death but, your wife said you were drunk therefore your punishment is reduced to a life sentence in the deepest level of the leviathan's prison where you will mine fire cores for the rest of your life."

With that sentence, a certain distraught man screamed NO and ran off the platform with all his strength. Before he even got far, his chains suddenly tightened and he fell down. With most of their work taken care of, the guards came and dragged the screaming mess of a man towards the west and even from a distance you could still hear his screams of despair and him cursing his wife.

The last chained up person stood up quietly during the hustle and bustle of the first one. The moment he stepped off the platform, he immediately fell on his knees, with his head facing him. As the people were still discussing, a kid looked towards the end of the platform and screamed with all his strength, arousing everyone's curiosity. As everyone looked over, a deafening silence greeted them and then, louder screams appeared among the crowd, like a wave of symphonies and everyone almost got affected by it. A guard on the side took his spear slammed on hard on the ground, creating a deep crack. The movements were special by any means but the sound created was loud that some old women and men covered their ears immediately, seized the unrest .

"It has always been a rule in our mansion that non of the accused can walk off the platform mid trial, and that's the result."

The princess hadn't even looked towards the dead person from the start and just motioned for everyone to continue. It was finally Jerry's turn.

"Jerry, you're quiet an interesting youth. Just a month ago, a theft was staged in the homes of our employees. Many people lost their belongings. At that time, we found some in your house and you said your were innocent. Now there's something that surprises me. It seems that with your weak strength, you should be incapable of breaking into their houses. Even if they drugged, those paralyzing pills don't work on warriors above copper level. Even though you told me those items were received from the fleeing thief, I somehow don't believe you. Let me tell you something else. Did you know that we found the rest of the stolen merchandise? In this very city, someone was circulating it. When we traced back to the original trader. He said it the person who pawned off the stolen merchandise was 7 cm shorter than you. Since we couldn't find that person, we presume it's your accomplice. Your time ran out a few hours ago for proving your self innocent.Now all you have to do is confess and we shall reduce your sentence otherwise, you will live in the leviathan's prison for the rest of your life. So what will it be?"

The moment that sentence escaped her lips. A quiet wind seemed to hush all the audience and guards. This legendary youth that's only a mortal was able to create all kinds of winds and even negotiated with the princess herself seemed about to be taken away forever and never return to the city. That has always been the fate of all prisoners. At this time, whether it was Shang Fei, Xi Baobao, Wu Yue, Ji Tiandi and his roommates or nobles present, everyone waited on his answer with an abated breadth.

"Princess Yu, I have something that will change everything."