
He stood up, wiped his trousers and looked around to check out the blue environment. His eyes were astonished by the mesmerizing color that pushed him to think he was dreaming. His thoughts didn't stay on that, and gravitated toward his surroundings. He noticed something strange ahead of him. It was a few stones that were shaped like alien eggs, cascaded with the blue shine that revealed their majestic patterns while forming a weird pattern when viewed from above.

This peeked his curiosity and he moved forward to check on what was going on. His steps were as quiet as the wind in marsh yet swift like a goose. He soon reached the stones and noted they were bigger than he to thought them to be. The almost reached his knees. All that ran through his head was that this was strange and he should move away but when his footstep started to move another direction, he heard small movements, and proceeded to run as fast as humanly possible.

His heart was beating too hard, and he stopped and panted as hard as he can to intake the scarce oxygen. He wondered,

"What was that, scary!"

"Well, I wouldn't call myself scary."

After receiving such a response so close to his ears, all the muscles in his body cramped up, the veins in his hands became bloated as dread filled his mind. He knew his life at this moment was no longer his. The started to beat himself up in his mind. Why had he done such a thoughtless thing?

The fear started to overwhelm his mind and he felt dizzy. He knew being so nervous was useless in this life and death situation yet he couldn't help but feel his mind blank. Something then came to his mind. This wasn't normal! He trusted his mind enough to know that even when he was in life crises, he could recover quickly but this time, he couldn't. After rumination, he spoke out.

"Oh great immortal, I beseech you to hold off on your majesty as this humble one can't stand your overbearing presence. I promise you not to be anymore disrespectful and I will listen to what it is you wish to bestow upon me."

"Oh, interesting. A mortal can bear my spiritual pressure and think clearly,and adding to the fact that you're the second mortal sent to Leviathan's prison in the last hundred years. You're quiet dangerous if left alone."

"Great sage, I am but a mischievous mouse that offended the the great princess. If it wasn't for her abounding mercy, I wouldn't be granted the opportunity to live to this day."

"You're getting more and more interesting. So you're saying you were able to convince that feisty brat to let you live after offending her? I know of a few Qi cultivators who died in her hand and the number of path seekers that died, I can't count them with two hands. It would be such a waste to kill or let you go, so here are you choices. Either become my subordinate or not."

"Or not?"

"Yeah, or not. You can choose not to do so. As for the consequences, I don't need to tell you. You have five breadths to decide."

" I accept."

"That was fast. You're quiet smart. Now follow me, where are going to the dark beast plane. Follow my steps and don't do what I don't."

With that, the teenager walked past the Jerry and with a gentle gait, he strode forward in a superior manner with his hands behind himself. Jerry then lifted his head, turned around, and followed in the footsteps of this pretentious teen.

He made sure to not miss a single step, even though they felt uncomfortable to his knees. He tried to match the teen' s walking style but failed to maintain his balance a few times doing so. He finally concluded the youth was using a martial arts technique and imitating him was useless. A few minutes later, they had both returned to the previous formation.

The teen told him to wait while he walked forward and started to push those heavy rocks into the sand like sinking a spear into mud. The red smoke emanate vividly and the same pink color appeared everywhere and before Jerry could understand what was going on, the smoke spread out like an explosion and swallowed him.

This time, his heart didn't fail to disappoint him once again and completely stopped. He calmed down the next second and before he could catch up to the current event, the smoke started to disappear slowly and all that was left is a red atmosphere.

It felt like he had been dragged into the belly of a primordial demon that encapsulated all the evil in the world because the rust scent in the air told him that the red color wasn't the setting sun but dried blood that dissipated into the air.

It took almost all his energy to resist puking and even more brain power to focus on the fact that he wasn't breathing in blood of other dead people.

"We're here. So let me tell you something about this place. Only a few truly know what the Leviathan's prison is and they have managed to survive through it.

Twelve thousand years ago, when gods and devils ran rampant on this continent, the spiritual Qi in the air was abundant enough to support a bridge between this lower plane and higher immortal plane. Those immortals from higher planes could come and terrorize the three continents on this planet. When they fell a few thousand years ago, some beasts fed off their essences and evolved into sage and divine beasts with immortal bloodlines.

The fire kunpengs that lived in magma also fell and created all kinds of descendants, including the leviathans that are sealed under this mountain."

Jerry then stopped him before he could go further.

"Great sage, are there truly ancient leviathans sealed inside this entire mountain?"


"Then that means,....oh no"