Wake Up


Darkness. Complete and utter darkness. I try to open my eyes, but find out they are. I try to speak, but all that comes is a wheeze. I start to move forward about five minutes from just moving forward, I start to feel like I'm being pulled down by... hands.

"Oh shit not again!" I mentally scream. I feel grabbing, scratching, and tearing at my clothes and flesh. I try to scream, but the hands invade my mouth. I bite down as hard as I can, I taste a hot, gooey, and oddly coppery liquid slide down my tongue and fill my mouth. Blood. I instantly think and spit out the gooey coppery liquid, only to have more fingers enter my mouth. I feel like I'm being choked out of air.

I feel my lungs burning for oxygen, and the sulfuric smell burns my nostrils. Just as I'm about to pass out from the lack of oxygen, I see a ball of light bear down on all of us and it engulfs me wrenching me back to consciousness. I wake up panting and drenched in a cold sweat.