The Last Exam Starts

The next day arrived in a flash. All the kids were then gathered as they waited for Elder Hulian to come forth. Finally, Hulian and quite a few other elders appeared once more.

"Good, it seems like everyone is here already."

Elder Hulian began to walk in a certain direction.

"All of you kids and their relatives or protectors, follow me."

Everyone obeyed elder Hulian, and it wasn't long before they arrived in front of another enormous building. The disciples guarding the front noticed elder Hulian and immediately opened the door for him. Inside, one could see several formations of different sizes.

Hulian then guided the kids to the one in the very middle, which was the biggest.

"Alright, this is a teleport formation. It will teleport us to our private Demon Beast Forest. It can support one hundred people at once, so you will all take turns to enter it."