Changing Minds

"What do we do with these guys?"

The Lakure Race members were in the group. Some were unconscious, while others glared at them with hatred in their eyes. Unfortunately for them, they wouldn't pose any harm to Rean's group anymore.

Rean and Roan then healed themselves and helped do the same thing to Calina, Malaka, and Wano. As for Kentucky, he could more or less heal himself with his own Light Element.

"Kill us! One day, our race will enact revenge!"

Well, that's basically what the Lakure Race members all said. None of them seemed to be afraid of death at all. However, Rean looked at them, slightly puzzled.

"Kill you? Why? You guys are such nice training partners. I couldn't bear to do so."

Rean then arrived by the side of one of those cultivators of the Lakure Race and touched his shoulder.

'Life Style, Third Form, Purification!'