I Really Don't Like Him

Roan pondered over the question for a bit before saying, "Well, the first thing we should definitely choose is Dragon Bones. I just don't know if it would improve our combat ability as much as the previous bone upgrade did."

[Don't worry, it's definitely worth it. It won't do much for your raw strength, just like in the past. However, it'll definitely increase your raw defense by a lot. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called Dragon Bones for nothing.] Sister Orb explained.

Rean and Roan were satisfied with that explanation as one of them said in response, "Our Dantians' defense is already a lot stronger after we absorbed the Universe Essence. Combining it with the Dragon Bones will definitely improve it even further."

Without wasting any more time, the twins sent their order to the Soul Gem System.

[Dragon Bones - 5000 Destiny Points]

[Confirm Purchase?]