Tinlin Forest

The sect wasn't getting big too fast, which was good. After all, too many people at once would make it hard to manage. In the ten months since Destiny Avoidance Mode was activated, the sect had only gathered a little over two thousand people. It was a stark contrast to Freedom Sect back on the Zasfins' planet, for example. 

In fact, the recruitment in the capital only got them another 53 people. Of course, it's not that they couldn't get more, but instead, Rean and Roan didn't want to stay there for long. As always, most of these people were the type that didn't have a much better choice. With that, the twins intended to recruit more as they moved through Aefer.

Roan then acquired the information about the demon beast territories in the country. After that, he selected one territory where one could find a wide variety of demon beasts. Luckily, that territory was along their way to the northwest, the Tinlin Forest.