Start of Kentucky's Journey

As he was part of the Jhiod Sect now, Kentucky could use the sect's badge to take any teleport formation he wanted. It's just that he had to pay for them. Then again, that wasn't really a problem. Rean had given a lot of Rank Two and Rank One Divine Stones for Kentucky to use during his journey.

'Well, Vurasic Continent is located near Huring Continent. I guess that makes sense since we got information about the Minokawa on our way here,' Kentucky thought to himself.

"The teleport will activate now. Anyone else?" Suddenly, a worker of a city's Formation Guild asked.

"Me! Me!" Kentucky quickly paid the Divine Stones and stepped on the formation. Usually, the roundtrip would take much longer than just three years. However, Kentucky didn't use city-to-city teleport formations like the twins did. Instead, he took long-distance ones that could be paid with Rank Two Divine Stones. With that, he was able to cross many regions inside the continents at once.