La Mataia

As the Bat mentioned, it wasn't hard to find a Demon Beast at the Transition Realm in this mountain range. It was close to the city, after all, so the demon beasts often came and went everywhere. Kentucky's Divine Sense picked up a demon beast that seemed like a squirrel, quite small. Yet, it was at the Late Stage of the Transition Realm. Not all Demon Beasts get bigger as their cultivation improves. Some stay the same as it is more advantageous for them.


Kentucky then landed in a flash in front of the squirrel, blasting the dust around with his wings. The squirrel was scared of its wits, not having detected Kentucky's presence at all until he appeared in front of him. Just as he was about to flee for his life, Kentucky's voice reached his ears.

"Sorry to bother you, friend. Would you perhaps know where I can find la Mataia City?" Asked Kentucky with a friendly tone.