Dalamu Sect

Mia continued. "With me gone, we need a new Sect Master. Ancestor Zuan should be arriving at any moment now."

It was just like Mia mentioned. Zuan, the only Saint Realm cultivator of the Dalamu Sect, arrived for the discussion a moment later. "Phew... I'm finally back. Mia, why the sudden call? Could it be you know what that light was about? Also, that strange dream..."

Zuan then looked at Rean and didn't pay much attention at first. However, after trying to check the situation with his Spiritual Sense, he noticed that he couldn't see either Rean's or Mia's cultivations. "This... what happened here?"

Mia smiled and used a Divine Sense Message to explain everything to Zuan as well. It goes without saying that Zuan was shocked, too. It took quite some time until Mia and Rean finished answering all of Zuan's questions. The other elders also had their own questions, so they took the opportunity to join the discussion.