Purple Light

The Loporrits were already having such huge trouble with the birth rate, and the loss of those many Loporrits wasn't helping at all. Lolio immediately ordered everyone to retreat, pulling Laweia back with him. At the same time, he shouted back. "Master, if things continue like this, we will all perish! How do we stop this?!"

Kafan became bitter. How can they stop this? He had absolutely no idea. His mind worked at a crazy pace, but if even he, with his Semi-Celestial Power, couldn't stop it, what exactly could? If he had enough time to prepare something, perhaps there was a chance. Too bad time was the thing he had the least.

"Seems like I have no other choice..." It was Laweia who spoke. A few Loporrits from her group joined her, seeming to know what she was talking about.

Lolio looked at her, puzzled. "What are you doing?"