
Roan made a few more modifications and trials with the various Sun Urpins there. Only then did he nod his head, although he still didn't look happy. "It is still a piece of shit technique, but I can at least look at it without puking. Alright, that's enough."

Klifon, as well as the rest of the Sun Urpins, were extremely happy, though. "Tom, our deal was that we could keep the technique in case it worked, right?"

Roan nodded. "I have no use for it other than trading for the items in the auction. As long as you don't appear in the auction in the royal capital with this technique, I have no issues. Once the auction is over, you can even spread this technique, and I won't give a shit."

Rosa was on Klifon's side. "Klifon, that seems way too unfair. You are my friend, and I'm happy you got the technique, but you are definitely gaining a lot more in this deal."