
The twins got up from their seats and went out. There wasn't anything else for them to do there anymore. Instead, they decided to go to some isolated corner and have their breakthrough into the Late Stage of the Core and Soul Fusion Realm.

However, as soon as they exited the room, a worker from the Auction House came to talk to them. "Excuse me, sirs. My I have your attention for a moment?"

Rean and Roan looked at each other and back at the guy before nodding. "Sure, is there a problem?"

Th worker quickly shook his head. "No, not at all. I was told to come and ask if you wish to meet the person who bought the Ore earlier in the Auction. It's just that due to the auction house's rules, those who rented a private room can't have their identities disclosed. Naturally, we haven't told the other side who you were, either. If you refuse, I can give our auction house's word that the other individual will know nothing about your identities."