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The auction house began to fill once again as the night got close. Rean and the girls waited in a corner of Ariana's room while Ariana spent her time looking for her star. Fortunately, through Roan's method, she was able to find her direction.

Rean counted the time, and the auction was about to start. He would need to go back to his private room to make the offer. However, just as he was about to say something, he noticed a change in the Stellar Energy coming Ariana's way. "Oh! That was pretty fast."

Roan nodded with his cold expression. "That's good enough."

Ariana then opened her eyes, feeling the rich Stellar Energy coming from her star. It was filling her body, slowly transforming it, making it more resistant and strong. "Truly magical..."

Roan walked to Larissa and extended his hand. "Give it."