No Heart For It

Tynin was just as shocked. "No! That's not it! I didn't do it on purpose! I truly didn't!"

"Try again," Roan narrowed his eyes. 

Woterto and Tassio nodded. "Tynin, keep your Sword Intent active. Do not block us again, otherwise..."

"Yes, yes! I will not!" Tynin sighed in relief and maintained his Sword Intent active.

Yet, just as Woterto and Tassio began to absorb it, they were once again cut short. 

"Try again," Roan asked before anyone could say anything.

Then, the same thing happened once more.

"Again!" Roan insisted...

...and the same result prevailed.

Woterto and Tassio barely had time to do anything. "Alright, someone must be tired of seeing the outside light."