Yugiji was afraid to ask, but he did anyway. "Tulax... No, Guild Master, what is this agreement you talked about?"
Tulax's memories went back to when Rhowilf passed him the task. "As you all know, it is extremely hard for a Divine Demon Tree to have sentient descendants. After all, chances are that the countless seeds they lay will turn into simply trees without any sentience. That's also why Divine Demon Plants are even rarer than Divine Demon Beasts."
He continued. "Yet, Gian succeeded. One of his saplings truly gave birth to a Demon Core, and it would be just a question of time until its sentience awoke. But there was a problem. Gian's position as a Space Time Realm expert is quite precarious. No one would dare to buy a fight with him for no reason. After all, he is that strong. But, at the same time, there are plenty of experts in our continent who want to take his place."