Chapter 9: Interlude

~~Time skip one week~~

I had woken up in a hospital bed agian i have been here so many times now. For the first couple of hours I did nothing but sit there and stare at the blank white wall thinking about how I messed up and I should have know the attack was coming, If only I had prepared more i could have done somthing.

A docter had come into the room when I first woke up but I ignored him to cought up in my thought. When a nurse comes into the room next i will ask her what happend to mom. I can only hope for the best and maybe she survived please let her survive.

"Shiko-san can you hear me" a docter snapped me out of my thoughts making me jump.

"Where's my mom? She was with me when I passed out, is she okay?" I asked getting more frantic near the end.

"You mean Ami-san shes in the next door room right now. She hasn't woken up as of yet but don't worry we are keeping a eye on her she'll be better in not time" the docter smiled at me before giving me a brief check up and leaving to im sure a hospital full of people.

After the docter had left I slipped out of bed and made my way to the door, reaching up i opened it and stepped into the hallway. There was alot of people moving about some patients others staff here. Walking over to the next door over i open it slowly looking inside checking if i had the right room.

Walking inside i could see mom hooked up to some machines while she laid in the bed. Walkong up to the bed i climbed in and laid next to here. "I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough. I'm sorry I couldn't help you in time" I cried into her side while slightly hugging her. I could see she had a broken arm on the other side of me in a cast and her left leg was also broken. "I promise I will get strong, strong enough that nothing will be able to hurt you" i promise to my self.

I had spent the rest of my hospital stay there with mom but at the end of the 3rd day I had been forced to leave the hospital and would only be aloud back during visiting hours. When I returned to the orphanage it wasn't to badly damaged all that was destroyed was quickly rebuilt. The first thing i did when i got back was check my eyes. Looking into the mirror i could see that my sharingan had evolved into the mongekuo sharingan the pattern looking like the tomoe get longer and connect to the center of my eyes.

I also wanted to test my mongekuo abilities but that wouldn't be the best idea right now because of the recent attack I'd probably be cought. I will wait untill things calm down but I do have a small idea of what the abilities are. My left eye has Raijin which lets me summon at bolt of lightning i think I used that that during the attack and my right eyes ability is a genjutsu that mimics reality while I can make changes as i wish around me. The right eyes abilities name is Yugami genjitsu and is sounds strong but I will have to see when im testing my eyes later.

For the next couple of days I would visit mom in the mornings and in the afternoon i would train my body and chakra. Almost a week after awakening I had gone to the hospital to visit mom when I had heard somthing amazing from two passing nurses.

"Did you hear that Kushinas child is the new nine tails jinchuuriki"

"What where did you hear that from"

"I heard a few ninja talking about it when they were bring in injured people"

"How is Kushina by the way"

"She was released not to long ago with her child"

While the nurses left i was in shock Kushina had survived the attack, Was it because of me or is it some other factor.

For the remainder of the day i couldn't stop thinking of the change that had happened and the changes that will happen. In the end as I left to go back home I decided not to lose alot more sleep over it this was a good change and no matter what happens ill roll with it.

~~Time skip 3 months~~

The last three months have been difficult for the most part. After the first month mom woke up and her and I moved away from the orphanage she didn't have the ability to take care of the kids anymore so she adopted me which was one of the most amazing days of my life. Her left leg was badly damaged meaning she'll have to use crutches for a long time if not forever.

Our small house was located near the wall close to the hokage rock. Mom had enough money to live comfortably for long time turns out she had beem saving for this type of thing just without the attack. The next two months were spent in relative peace and quite with me training and mom resting at home. Because mom adopted me we got a last name when before we both didn't really have one but im happy with it my name now is Shiko Yorokobi.

The other thing I did for the remainder of the two months was learn to read and write Japanese but with moms help and my child brain the information stuck really easily.The last few days have been spending time to get ready the things I need for the academy, I had cut my hair short it now came up to my shoulders rather then down my back like before. I also got new clothes and my ninja clothes for now which consistes of black cargo shorts and a black shirt with red accents. I had also gotten new training equipment like kunais and all the things I will need for the academy.

In the end i will be starting ninja school tomorrow and I'm excited but also nervous. I wonder who will be in my class, will it be some any Canon characters or just randoms. With that thought in mind i went to sleep that night ready for the challenges ill face from now on. I would work hard so I would never feel helpless as I did in the attack again.

A.N thats the chapter next chapter starts the academy arc of my story and by the way I have changed the paring from hinata to some one else but that won't come into play till later in the story. I hope you injoyed let me know what you think untill next till.