Chapter 25: Goddess

How did it end up like this I asked myself watching Mei and the rest fight through the cloud forces. Next to me killer B was hunched over breathing heavily our fight was massive and I had been winning for a while with my Susanoo but it seems B expected my sharingan and somehow had a sealing technique that lowered the power of my eyes.

"You have been a tough enemy ill give you that but it is you lose fool ya fool" B said straightening and leaning over me.

"Its not over bastered" I snarled while trying to get up and failing. B had fired a tailed beast bomb and i had countered with a Raijin'noyari but it wasn't enough to block it fully and the after math had destroyed my Susanoo and ripped off my arm.

B moved and leaned over me reaching towards my face plucking my right eye from my socket. The pain was bad but i grit my teeth through it and looked over at the battle field. I could see Mei and Haku who had transformed into her full tailed beast form I'm happy I got to know them and I'm sorry it'll end so soon. Hearing the sound of a blade being unsheathed I smiled a rueful smile while closing my eye and not a few seconds later did a sword plunge through my chest and I was gone my consciousness fading the last thing i heared was the sreams of my family.

~~Line break~~

I started waking up agian but that shouldn't be possible I had died agian did I get reincarnated, I asked my self as I opened my eye. Looking around i was in a infinite black space infront of me and I was standing on a white rocky ground.

"Are you done looking around little one" a sudden voice asked me from behind scaring me.

"What" turning around slowly behind me floated Kaguya Ōtsutsuki the rabbit goddess and original welder of chakra. She was bound by countless chains, all of them hooking into the ground.

"I have been watching for a long time now child and you confuse me" she said sofly lowering herself to the ground and floating closer.

"Who are you and where are we right now" i ask just to keep myself from sounding like I know everything.

"Kaguya Ōtsutsuki is my name and we are currently within a seal that holds my consciousness"

"Seal? Then why am i here aren't i dead" i questioned looking into her pupiless eyes.

"Yes. you are currently dead that is why I was able to pull your soul here after your death"

"Why did you do that for what purpose did you bring me here, im dead"

"As I have said child you and your existence confuses me. I have seen through multiple time lines and seen different ways of being unsealed as well as being resealed here but you have never once existed in any of them untill now. Your very soul is diffrent" as she said the last part Kaguya grabbed my chin and opened her thired eye.

"Your very existence twists reality. That little one is what not only confuses me but its very intriguing as well. That is why I have a deal for you child" Kaguya finished as I took a step back at the shear power shes admitting out around her.

"And what is this deal" i ask warily not knowing if she's trying to trick me.

"Its simple little one i will return you to life and give you unimaginable power but intern you will have to find a way to release me. My creation has already got a plan to do just that if you can beat him i will give you a chance to rule beside me to be my queen but if you fail you shall be my servant till the end of time" said Kaguya starting to surround us with her long silky hair.

"And if i refuse this offer what if i say no"

"Then I will simply keep you here. You are to unique to let go" my eyes got bigger as she cercled my waist with her arm.

Gritting my teeth there was no other way then to say yes and find a way to free her. All other option lead to being imprisoned be her either here.

"Fine ill do it i will free you before anyone else can and I will rule alone side you as your queen" as I finished my response Kaguya said a quick "good" before kissing my forhead. My body started to change i could feel it slight burning all around my body.

"I will be watch you little one be sure to free me hmm" that was the last thing i heard before my world went white and pain took over my mind.

A.N thats the chapter I hope you injoyed let me know what you think till next time.