Chapter 0137 - The Needs of Many

A mystifying effect happened in the eyes of those who watched the Tower City take the top of the Southeast Mountain. Like a crown upon the ridge, it stood beautifully. Crushing the cap, it quite literally flattened its peak. A landslide wave fell down into the valley.

The Emperor's Grand entrance was always a spectical. He had a habit of being showy without trying, it never ceased to amaze his father. Standing at the top of the Sect's Castle, he could see the dust cloud settling around the Tower was dramatically wider, a wall stood around the Tower City, what once was a single tower now stood almost a hundred. Patriarch Ooran registered something on the ridge with his yes, it looked like people, a lot of them.

The Cheng Twins were out front with the construction team. Creating a road as they walked down the mountain was pretty easy, they just raised and shifted the land where it needed to go. Soon, a 30 meter wide walkway led toward the Sect was easy to see on the trip down the mountain.

Fliers and beastkin were all looking at the massive train of people coming into Zao City and its pastures outside.

"This will not do." Ooran looked at the almost continuous stream of people behind his sons. An alarm rang. "Gather everyone. Ready the Guard. Get the Qilinkin Forces here quickly, we're going to have to do some planning." The Sect could help bring providence to the people that had come in many ways that included the sect providing workers to help build homes. 'To what end are there this many people?' Ooran grabbed a Dragoon and flew toward the procession of people.

Landing about a hundred meters away, he held out his hand and called out. "STOP!"

It caught the Princes off guard, the Emperor was sure there had to be a reason, he approached his father. "Stay here." Holding his arms out, Wu Hai stopped the train of people behind him. There were questions marking lines over all of their faces.

"Father, Patriarch of the Zao Sect. The Esper Emperor greets the Patriarch." Wu Hai put out his arm to his father.

"Patriarch of the Zao Clan, Zao Ooran greets the Esper Emperor." The Two of them bowed to each other, Ooran looked over at his son and whispered. "why the hell are there so many? and where are we going to put them. " he looked serious, his eyes were having trouble focusing on so many people, the ground was still shaking as people were making their way with the crowd out of the city and down the mountain.

"Father, this many people won't even fit into the City. We're going to have to let them explore and move out into the Eastern Mountain. We could put a great number of them with the Sect, but the Sect operates way differently than Earth. I think its best that we get them to their own space. There are a few other mountains and I think I'll allow a few thousand to remain in the Tower City during my travels. Qu was enjoying the constant company. Its so damned huge though, I can't just take it out anymore." Wu Hai raised his hands and called for the Cheng Twins.

"Mu, Yu. I have a Job for you. After that, I'll give you a warehouse full of exotic Earth Booze." It sounded like incentive, Wu Hai was sure of it.

The Twins both shook their heads, "We have enough of that stuff, Earth drinks don't taste right, the drinks from Shiyan are much better." Yu started talking after his brother, tapping him in the chest. "But we will do as the Emperor requests." They stood up and waited for him to start talking, they had realized their mistake.

"East Mountain, we must make a forth city. I want the Priesthood to practice it themselves, so this will be an involved project. You will teach them about how to control their construction abilities." Wu Hai brought the Priesthood out of the crowd and teleported away for a moment before coming back almost as fast..

He told them all to wait, he would return and explain. He had groups to split apart.

"I'm going to have someone begin creation of new homes for the majority of you. The Outer and Inner Sect of the Zao Clan is closed to outsiders. Those that wish to join the Zao Clan, must apply for membership and contribute. We have incentives, but that is beside the point." Wu Hai had Xuan Kim Li pull out a megaphone and he started speaking loud and clear.

"There will be another City, Built on these mountains. A Landrush will be allowed, we will open this up and even help, but for now.. all of you will follow my father, toward the Eastern ridge, back the way we came." Wu Hai turned to Ooran, "Father, lead them to the teams I have in place. We'll be working until they get there.. It won't take too long to get them started." Channeling, he quickly left and arrived on the Eastern Mountain Peak.

It was warm outside, but it was still high up. The Priesthood had spent many years in the mountains, it was nothing new to them to be cold, but the altitude was much different than Earth.

"Priests. Listen closely." Wu Hai pulled out the Gygax and Creators Crusher. "There is a lot you may not know. For instance, I'm about to give all of you different bodies." Wu Hai rolled the dice, they landed on Demonkin and Echinomon. It was a combination he hadn't experienced in a while. His body and torso started to change. He grew wings, the ears on the side of his head shifted to the top of his head and grew a lot of fur.

"I'm going to teach you how to build with your powers, you have to work until this population of people have places to stay, it can go pretty quickly if you work together." Wu Hai grabbed the Gygax Cup and rerolled to Metal and Earth abilities.

"You. Come over here." Wu Hai called a few of them over at a time, they started to roll. He had them roll all six of the gygax after they had gotten into some oversized robes. One by one, their powers randomized, their bodies changed and the few hundred priests were no longer human.

They were Espers.


The walk was like a trip to a new Mecca, people following behind the Patriarch as he spoke about the wildlife, Kim Li did his best to translate to some of the people, "There are families of Fire Wolves that pass through this mountain range, they are protectors, do not hunt them or antagonize the local wildlife. It is a delicate balance, We will be setting up farmlands and shops. New buildings, a new world, a culture you're unaware of. My Sons have told me of Earth." Kim Li kept translating, it was problematic with the Canga line of megaphones repeating, some of it was obviously lost in translation.

"What you do from here, is your choice. Hard work will be rewarded. We are not your keepers. This world is very different, don't be naive." His speech was grim, relayed backward in several languages.

"Vicious animals, Humans are easily slain.. bite sized." The Patriarch tried a joke, it didn't go over well. He switched gears.

"The world you create must be different than the last, otherwise you will only destroy yourselves. Hostility to the Sect, will be seen as contempt to the Emperor and we do not tolerate criminals."

"Some of you have already tried, and look where it got you. Those Slave Collars, we took them off of the slaves we liberated. We can easily put them back on. Human rights. I heard this term from some of the transmigrated. Other races don't think about these things, you're either an equal, or prey. Those Slave collars, we didn't make them. They are the creations from the nations of other races. Its different than just being held in a prison, you lose your free will and are unable to disobey." The Patriarch stopped by a field and picked up one of the vegetables.

"This is a world of magic, great things can be done, and great pain can come from it. Matters of Magic, are not public, but not hidden. With hard work, spells are possible for the regular humans of this world. I hope that everyone will take an interest in your new lives." The giant green vegetable squirmed around, its vines tried to latch onto the Patriarch's arm. He didn't let it phase him, but it grappled him like tentacles.

"common in this world, plants like this have the power to kill." He pulled it off of him and grabbed it by the husk. "It has a toxin, if it breaks your skin, it will use you as fertilizer." he threw it back into the field, it walked a few feet, found a good patch to stop and rested back on the ground.

"We are almost there. Please continue to follow me" Patriarch Ooran had his sons following alongside him, Ho was giving off a different attitude. 'what happened to him?'

Ho noticed the look, but let it go. There was time for explanation later.

"Find your homes, pick and choose, you can always move to another place. Once you're released into the City, please do not leave. Orient yourselves with your surroundings, then find your own paths. We will continue to build buildings until everyone has somewhere to go, after that, you're on your own." They turned the last corner to the far eastern slope on the East Mountain.

"Please take your time and do not fight, fighting will be seen as a crime today. you will not like to disturb me on the evening my sons return." Patriarch Ooran used a movement technique, he vanished from sight and stood atop a center building that looked like a very large hotel. There were two hundred buildings, each different than the last.

A project from each of the Priesthood, they had taken their time, supervised by the Cheng Twins, the stairs were made correct. Dimensions didn't matter during the initial construction, the Esper Construction Teams would keep working until everyone got a place to sleep and start fresh.

Wu Hai had been working as well, several dozen buildings stood similarly like the ones from the Tower City. His work was among the most obvious, the exteriors were also finished out with decoration. The Priesthood had paid close attention to Grand Master Ho during his city building, it was a different method than generation, he had cut the city and raised blocks.

Their first few attempts required serious reconstruction, but the artwork it resembled was fitting for a different world. Several tiers of high expanse fingers stretched out into the sky like a lotus. Another, build of black stone, looked far more Gothic in its construction. Surrounded by large trees, it was shaded. The buildings were spread apart, foot traffic was likely to be an issue at first but they had left space for roads.