Chapter 0175 - Resistance Training 101

'He will lead her into hell' A wording scratched into the wall. Hana read them a few times while her Teacher spoke.

Lu Sha explained about his past briefly and then introduced the real reason he had chosen to remain in the hidden dimension. Three stars were above and inside the rift, they gave off a cosmic luster. It was like a security blanket for those who spent their time and lives inside. If it was an endless darkness, evil would flourish. The night sky was dark, but it was serene and pure. the three stars carried a specific light, one red, one blue, one yellow.

The edge of the space held a rainbow wheel of aurora. It was cold, dead and solitary. Several pools of liquid were spread out, they looked deep and filled the small craters that had been cast with Elementium. "It was Elder Mu that created these forge pools, items left to soak in the pools will gather the energy in traces. There are some hazards but its always unique."

"The Night keeps the fires away." Lu Sha spread his wings, there were small flickers of his power. "It suppresses, compresses and draws forth what remains, a vacuum in the distance, pulling everything apart like a tidal force of the gods."

Hana pulled her wing into view and saw no flames at all. She poured energy into them, but the fire only showed a trace, vanishing when she stopped. "This is so weird, what's the purpose of training here then?"

"Silly Girl, Disciple. Know this. The other Elders would beat you repeatedly for using those tones. I will not do such a thing, I know of your identity but they do not. Please try to use decorum, otherwise you will bring the wrath of those who surround your station." Lu Sha pointed to a seat, "Go, sit for a moment and listen. When possible, please address me as Master, or Master Lu Sha." Lu Sha waved his hand and brought out another book from the shelf. "We train here against such resistances. If your power is suppressed while you train, it will come much easier when called into action."

"There are many things you must know, over the next five years you will be here every day. I intend to tell you as we go, learning everything in a single night, it would be a waste of the youth. Now. You will train every moment you are not doing something else. You will learn to circulate your power endlessly, it is a much needed skill that you must train with devotion. Come along, I will show you more of this space." Lu Sha waved his hand toward his disciple, a small bubble surrounded her.

She stepped down from the stool and walked alongside her new Teacher. Master Lu Sha pointed toward a room. "This is the dry storage room, things like cleaning tools will be left there. Do not leave with my tools in your storage ring, I do not wish to reacquire such things in my future." He sounded like it had happened before somewhere else, with a less than excited voice he continued speaking from the heart. "Everyday you will return to this place, and every day you will train. While walking, while eating, while sleeping if possible. There is a book I will share with you tomorrow, it is too exciting to bring out before you attend the first day ceremonies and placement."

Master Lu Sha pulled a token from his storage. "This is a disciple token, its marked with my aura and energy. When you arrive at school tomorrow for your first day of training, they will ask who your teacher is. Hand them this and say nothing more on the matter. They should return it." Throwing it to Hana, she caught it and stared at its emblem.

It gave off an image, one of a crashing celestial body, a small phoenix cry was emitted when she poured some energy into it. 'Amazing.' Hana stored it away and kept walking.

"You will be tested in many ways during your initial phases of being a disciple, but, as you were chosen by a Core Member, you share our ranks. The other students will react in very few ways when they learn of your master, indifferent, jealous, angry, or insulted. It is better that you not speak of your Teachers, those who are unqualified as students often times find ways to make life difficult." Master Lu Sha opened another door, it was on the far end of the space.

Inside was spacious, there was a bed and washtub. To one side, a Large cultivation formation was setup. "Your mother once stayed here. These were her quarters. When we found that she could not remain, we also found out she was with child. You should eventually come to feel a connection to this place, it helped foster your birth."

"What do you mean?" Hana lost decorum.

"Settle down, settle down." Lu Sha waved and brought out a table, then dinner for her.

"This room has a shield, your mother spent most of her pregnancy here in this very room. You will learn what it means to be a disciple in the morning. While you train, you are not allowed to keep the shield up. However, tonight and in the beginning you may leave it on. The formation trigger is near the doorway. There is no danger in this space, wander how you like but sleep tonight. I go to study, do not disturb me." Lu Sha nodded at his new student, and was preparing to leave.

"Thank you, Master Lu" She could feel intentions for her entire life, the being in front of her carried no indemnity for her, his tone gave off a different impression.

"Good Manners, Master will find you in a few hours. Till then." Turning to leave, he disappeared out of view.

"What a day. I hope Jeannie is okay..." Hana ate her dinner then wandered the space. She found Caoimhe right where she'd summoned her, laying in a spiral. "Hey girl, come with me." She patted the top of Caoimhe's head and had her follow along. There was enough space in the Queen's bedroom for the Basket Drake to lay comfortably.

The bed was warm, it pulled the energy from the surroundings and spread it out neatly for absorption. Hana rolled on it for a minute, completely content with everything that was happening. 'Mother, this place is so strange... its so dark, how did you manage?' asking herself a few questions reminded her of the Empresses Light, the elemental essence in her storage, she pulled it out.

Bright light filled the room, contained behind the formations that sealed the jar. It made it easy to read and gave off the aura of her Mother. 'So this is home for the next five years?' Hana's mind went into overdrive while she laid on the bed.

Caoimhe was fast asleep after being fed, her body covered the floor near the entrance and left no room to walk when she spread out her limbs. The fragrance of flowers wafted across the room and a tranquil feeling came over Hanahasku.

'Mother...' Hana fell asleep shortly after the fragrance hit.
