Chapter 0226 - Seeding a World

Tower City was packed with Espers, nearly Twenty Thousand loyal soldiers of the Empire stood at the ready.

Vira and Kuzunoha stood on a platform to address them. Vira walked up to the Microphone, "In just a few minutes, we will begin. Its been fifteen years and six months since we started working on this, now, there won't be second chances."

"HOOOAH!" The grunted in unison.

"Each of you have your roles, perform them perfectly, billions of lives are on the line." Kuzunoha shouted next to Vira, she raised her arms into the air, another roar of cheering and battle cries resounded in the City.

A black dot began to take shape.

In a moment, the Emperor had arrived with the representatives from the global justice initiatives. Most of them were still shaking, having no idea what had just transpired. The rest, they stood in wonderment at the City and when they looked up, there were shocked outcries. "The Moon. We're on the Moon!"

"SILENCE" Vira used the strength of her voice to shush the representatives, one of them fainted when they noticed her appearance, too many things had shocked the man from the middle east. The woman in power's gaze had given him the impression of his impending death.

"Thank you, Vira." Wu Hai spread his wings and flew to the stage, landing gently. He raised his hand, the Warriors of the Empire, the construction teams and truthers all put their weapons into the air again. They cheered at his arrival.

'Cough, Cough' He cleared his throat, it was like thunder in the microphone. 'Piii' the microphone feedback played over the speaker. "Proceed to loading, you have 48 hours."

Another Roar sounded and all twenty thousand people moved into Action like a well oiled machine. They loaded themselves into pods and flew out of the shield. Their orders were simple, place one steele every quarter mile around the Planet's Lunar Orbit.

"What exactly are you planning to do?" One of the representatives took some initiative and asked a question.

"We are laying a formation." Vira swiftly answered. "The rest you'll find out later."

"1.6 Million. That's the number of steeles we had to create." Wu Hai walked to the edge of the City's shield wall and released one of the steeles onto the moon's surface. It was 500 meters tall and a hundred foot thick. Lines of runes and spellwork covered its surface like a script.

"That's.. that's." The reps had seen the man calling himself Zao do amazing things in the past, they quickly stopped talking after thinking about China's punishment.

"Yes? That's what?" Vira swaggered down the stairs and came in front of the thirty-two reps. "Would you like to continue?"

"Vira, don't tease them. They've submitted." Titan followed behind her and stopped her appeal.

"Oh? Very well. This is a teleportation formation. We're stealing this Planet." She blurted it out.

The reps fell to their knees.

"Stealing.. the planet?" They talked among themselves, communication was a bit difficult, all of them understood that they were unable to affect any sort of change, their concerns did not align.

"Un." Kuzunoha walked over to the Japanese Rep. "Good evening, how is my Homeland?"

"Miss." He started to talk but Kuzunoha stopped him.

"Empress." She corrected him and let him continue.

He choked on his words.

"Empress, why go through such lengths?" He really didn't know what was going to happen but he was sniveling and it didn't sit well with Kuzunoha to watch him worry.

"Japan has nothing to fear. I've made arrangements." Kuzunoha laughed and folder her fan, waving his worries away like they didn't matter in the slightest. "You guys really don't know how to pick allies, I hope you've learned a lesson today."

"Yes.. a lesson." He sounded deflated, all the reps did.

"Look out and watch. It is your duty." the Empress pointed at the formation that was being laid out. It looked like a dotted line. "History.. its made by those that survive. Watch."

Every quarter mile, they stacked another plate together, they interlocked and eventually they would converge on the other side. Energy channels began to fill, they didn't activate but the power spread out. Later, when the pieces interlocked together, it would look more like one solid ring. A Formation plate, the largest that had ever been constructed was being laid.

"You're going to create a portal?" the English Rep had made a quick observation and asked but it was not entirely correct.

"Its not a portal. Its a formation. This formation will send this planet to the far side of our planet's orbit, installing it as a stationary moon. we're taking this moon with us too." Titan pulled out joints and passed them over. "Smoke um if you got um?"

None of them had any reason to object. They sat and watched as the formation plates turned into a large ring.

"Can I be frank with you?" The American Rep lit the joint in his hands and exhaled. "Do you really believe this whole road to godhood thing? You're the American right? Don't you believe in God? Aren't you worried for your soul?"

"My name was once Mike, I was a decorated American Veteran. I grew up on God and Country. I can tell you that nothing is right with Earth or the way it's governments treat its people. You're all one fucking race bruh, you can't even stop killing yourselves long enough to have left the planet. You know what.. fuck it. Its so trivial, all the things you guys argue and fight over, you can't even feed yourselves." Titan spread his wings.

"I can survive in space Motherfu▓ker!" He blew out a trail of smoke and made pew pew noises before he flew out of the shield.

Kuzunoha giggled. "That guy is too much." Titan was formidable but friendly, it made The Empress smile often.

"He certainly seems happy.." the American Rep held the joint in his hands and sat down, staring at the Earth in his view. "This is far beyond anything I ever imagined," he laid down on the stone floor of the courtyard and stared at the stars in the distance. It was a view he would never see again and it was only a matter of time.


Titan flew back down to Earth, Wu Hai and the others were busy setting the formation. Space fall to the North American continent was the most exhilarating thing he had done on the planet to date. The wind blew by and sharp, hot wind cut at him while he made entry. When he broke through the Ionosphere there was a sonic boom clearing the clouds.

Titan flew over to Austin from west Texas scattering seeds, millions of them. He didn't stay long but his aura drove most of the seeds to germinate before he got out of range. Planted tons of different types of herbs from Shiyan and he picked anything he thought was useful. Everything he passed was inundated with his energy and crops began to explode from the soil. Plants long since forgotten, plants they hadn't planted in decades began to emerge. 'Plants... I wish I could do more for them but this is my first legacy to leave.' Mike thought about what he was doing.

The massive changes that were going on were not just being done by Mike, hundreds of ships were visiting different parts of the world with everyone rushing to accomplish their individual goals. Coordinating those actions was difficult, the six months for plans to be drafted had increased the difficulty of the Emperor's Operation but it was far more gratifying for the transmigrated. Morale and trust were important building blocks for a moral society.

Plants were growing no matter where he went, across highways or even rivers, trees and other things were the least of his concern. There were some drawbacks to his aura, weeds and vines also grew uncontrollably in his presence. The wetlands that bordered Louisiana showed remarkable and explosive growth, hundreds of dead tree species came up at the mouth of the Mississippi. Titan made sure to take a lot of soil and silt from the river delta, many microbes and other remnants were missing from the Ecology of Shiyan. He followed the Mississippi River up to Michigan, scattering his seeds in every direction. When he was finished with the Great Lakes and Minnesota, he flew directly to Colorado.

When the Titan Sage popped back out of the Garden's dimension, he had an idea. It happened somewhere over Kansas. Mike was passing a bank and noticed a robbery happening. He stopped the robber and even returned the loot to the tellers. They were scared witless and could only take the sacks of money back into their custody and watch him leave but that was all it took, he had come up with a great idea to save time.

There was a seed vault outside of Denver.

It was quickly cleared out, the guards were unable to do a thing. They fired their weapons but Titan chose not to retaliate, he blew smoke in their faces and stared into their eyes. All five of them instantly submitted, unable to resist his charm.

A sub-zero freezer, a massive one. It housed trillions of seeds from across the world, some saved for later, some for agricultural preservation. Titan laughed while he grinned at the rows and rows of densely packed vacuum sealed seeds. "Kink's gonna love this."

He felt no reserve, the seed vault's venture had been boofed the moment Wu Hai had transcended the dimensional barrier. Mike cleared every shelf and cryogenic chamber. Several labs were present in the facility but their contents paled in comparison to the haul in his hands. He presumed that he could call it quits, having completed his goal for coming back and then some.

Still, he was a Soldier. Titan carried on.

Mike spent the better portion of the day spreading cannabis seeds across North America and was forced to head south when the US military began tracking him. As a former US soldier, he had no interest in returning their attacks and they followed him well beyond the Mexico-United States Border.

He did his best to litter seeds, darting from town to town and following the Central America down to Ecuador and Columbia, eventually making his way down to Brazil, Argentina and then to Chile. By midnight he was tired, Titan made a fire and ate a Guemal, the small deer were basically extinct but he was hungry. The small herd lived nearby and were suffering from a wasting disease, after capturing and curing them, he took them all but the one into his own pocket dimension.

Feeling like he had accomplished his goal exhaustively, he felt elated. There was still another day left, he was at a loss about what to do. "The Girls will never forgive me If I don't get some souvenirs." He rushed to a town. There was so much gold in his possession that he could throw chunks out like breadcrumbs in a trail to mark his way, however, upon his arrival, superstition won out with the locals. They had heard of the Esper Emperor, he had even come to Chile once and brought terrible fighting to the area.

The locals fled the shops.

Mike left lots of gold but cleared out any store he thought useful. There was an ice cream shop, and then there wasn't. Titan took the freezer too and chuckled, later in an electronics store, he saw rows of radios and his heart jumped a beat. 'This is perfect.'

He had made it all the way to the bottom of South America and chose to fly out of the Earth's Atmosphere.

The Flight into space was even more majestic than his fall, he savored each moment. The rush of winds, the pressurizing effect that the vacuum environment put on his body.. it all felt so natural.