Chapter One: The Letter

I paced back and forth in the living room, sure that my parents can hear my heart beat. My hands are shaking and I'm sure I'll break down in a few seconds.

"Honey, I'm sure you got in. You did get a bunch of points."my mother says. Her tone is calm and her body is still, but her eyes show that she is also anxious.

"I know, I know." I mutter. I know that I got a lot of points, but still. All my life, even when I was a kid, I've wanted to be a hero. I've wanted to go to UA. I took the entrance exam and I worked so hard to get in. My world will shatter if I don't get in. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. I can feel the tension in the room. My dad stiffens as my mom answers the door. The mailman hands my mom a bunch of letters, most are bills and checks. She thanks the man and closes the door. I practically run to her and look through the letters. My mom is startled, but she doesn't say anything.

"!" I exclaim holding up the letter that's from UA. I rip it open and a circle like object falls out of it.

"Huh?What is this?" I say picking it up. My parents are silent and I can see the fret in their faces now. The circle lights up all of a sudden, startling me and causing me to throw it. A bright screen emitting from it.

"Hello, it is I!"a loud voice booms. It's All Might! The number one hero appears on the screen. "Congratulations Young Y/N! You have been accepted into the UA Hero Course!"

I freeze for a moment, thinking about the words that just came out of his mouth. I got in. "I GOT IN!"I yell, so loud I think the neighbors heard me. But I don't care.

"Yes honey!We knew you would!"My dad says laughing and clapping.

"Oh honey. I'm so proud of you!"My mom says, tearing up. I hug both of my parents, wanting to cry myself. I did it. I got in!

~Later that day~

"YESSS I KNEW YOU WOULD GET IN, GIRL!"Isla says. She got in as well but I never doubted she would. Her quirk is super strong. She can manipulate earth, so she defeated the robots easily. My quirk allows me to send powerful vibrations that can create earthquakes or tremors. I can also send powerful blasts with my quirk. However, if use my quirk too much, I get tired. I've been working on increasing the time I use my powers without getting tired.

"Gosh it feels like a dream,"I say, drinking my mocha frappe. "It's always been my dream to study at UA. And we get to do it together!"

Isla smiles and nods. She takes a drink from her passion fruit smoothie. And everything seems perfect. Little did I know I was about to meet someone who would change everything.

~Time Skip to the first day of school~

I arrived early to school with Isla. Mom and Dad took a while to say bye, but they finally let me go.

"UA. Can you believe it?"Isla said in awe. Both of us were staring at the huge school before us. I couldn't believe it. But it was true.

"I know. It does even seem real."

We had already came here before for the entrance exam. We've seen the auditorium. But it was still so breathtaking.

Sadly, me and Isla didn't have the same class. We hugged and I went off to find my class. I walk in and see a lot of people I saw at the entrance exam. I don't know anyone here and I'm kind of freaking out.

"Calm down and just get out of the doorway" I think. A second later I see a kid with glasses and blue hair. He's the one who made the teachers add a huge robot that wasn't worth any points. It sucked.

"Take your feet off of the desk, now."he says to a boy with ashy blond hair and red eyes. I also saw him at the entrance exam. He did really good. Though his attitude was horrible.

"Huh?"he says with a huge grin on his face. And not a happy one. One that says "I'm gonna crush this dude."

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting the academy by scuffing school property, you creep!"

"You're kidding me right? Your old school but a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?"he responds in a harsh tone. I roll my eyes. He's just a jerk who's full of himself. And he wants to become a hero with that personality? I start to take out my phone when suddenly the guy with glasses says, "It's him." Everybody turns, including me, to the doorway.

"U-Uh hi!"says a kid with green hair. I remeber him from the exam too. I think everybody does. He helped a girl who was stuck by beating the big robot that wasn't worth any points. It was coming right at her and he beat it with one single punch. But the aftermath was terrible. His legs and arm were broken. He, the boy with glasses, and the girl he saved are talking. Izuku Midoria. That's his name. I turn my eyes over to the boy with blond hair. He's glaring at them. Wow if looks could kill, Izuku would be dead three times over. Then he turns to me, catching me staring. All I see is hatred in his eyes. It's scary. I walk to the back of the room to take a seat.

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa I'm your teacher,"says a voice that sounds tired. He looks like he hasn't slept in years. He has medium messy black hair and is wearing some sort of scarf or something around his neck. He's holding a yellow sleeping bag and pulls out a jumpsuit from it. "All right let's get to it. Put these on and go outside."

He's probably going to test out our quirks. To see our strengths and weaknesses. My quirk is really strong, but, like I said before, if I use it too much I get tired. When I was younger I would lose control sometimes and cause earthquakes without wanting to. Sometimes really strong ones. I have better control over it now. However, I'm still scared I'll lose control so I try not to use my powers to cause earthquakes. But I got into UA which means I'll have to get past that fear.

Hello Reader, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my story! This is my first time writing a story. I didn't want to make it too short or too long, but I might have made to long. Oops hehe. Sorry if I did. And sorry if I made it too short. I really hope you enjoyed it and I really want to continue this story. I LOVE My Hero Acadamia and I wanted to write something like this. Thank you for reading my story and I really hope you like it!