Water Part 5

I smirked at his face. A white blonde boy came up. I had to squint because he was wearing such bright clothes. He said, "Asher, why is your mouth open. You never show this much shock."

He looks at me and smiles brightly. I could feel a growl grow as I squint. He said, "Oh dear, why are you growling at me? Have I offended you?!"

I said, "No. Just not used to how bright it is here."

He looked confused. He said, "I have never seen you before. What is your name? I am Prince Vitos."

I nodded and said, "I am Akiho."

He said, "Who brought you?"

Neige said, "I did."

Squalos said, "His girlfriend."

Asher said, "Damn. So she is not available then."

I said, "One, not his girlfriend. And two, just remember I can snap your neck to. But this time, you will actually die."

Vitos said, "You snapped someone's neck?! I would have never expected that."

I raised an eyebrow and said, "Yeah. I am not afraid to do it again. I am just going to ignore your comment also."

A faint blush crept on his face. Asher said, "But he fell to the floor."

I sighed and said, "You can not kill someone already dead. But you are alive so you can die."

He growled at me and said, "Wanna go?"

I smirked and said, "Try me. Weapons are no?"

An older male walked in. He cleared his throat and said, "I will not have you two fighting. You may do that on your own time. And who might you be?"

I could feel his eyes on me. I said, "Akiho."

I hated saying my name so many times. Neige showed me a chair and I sat down. The male said, "Since we have someone new. My name is Mr. Sentos. We are going to be learning about the Mystic War."

Oh I remember that. I actually was in that. I cringe at the flashbacks. Mr. Sentks said, "Is there a problem Akiho?"

I said, "Nah. Just flashback."

He looked confused but did not press further. He said, "The Mystic War was between the woodland elves and the monsters in the forest. The king of monsters even fought in that battle."

I said, "That is actually incorrect."

The entire room went silent. He turned to me and said, "Excuse me?"

I said, "That information is incorrect. Liam did not fight in the Mystic War."

He said, "I was there during the war. So please keep your false information to yourself."

Asher laughed hysterically. I gave him a sharp glare and he shut right up.

I said, "Well, that us technically not possible. There was no other kingdom helping other than the Earth Kingdom. And even then, it wall all the elves. The Earth Kingdom just gave them resources. You can ask Avalon."

All eyes went to Avalon. He nodded and said, "Yeah. My Mom was in that war actually."

I nodded and said, "I missed seeing her in action. But she did not get as much action as she likes. She does like to complain about it a lot."

Avalon agrees and said, "How did you know that?"

I said, "Because I was with her during that time."

Mr. Sentos said, "I do have a hard time believe someone your age would be in that war."

I said, "Wanna bet?"

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Sure. Prove yourself."

I nodded and went into my backpack. I pulled out my flower. Mr. Sentos said, "A flower?"

I nodded and said, "Just wait."

I press it and the flower glows. I make sure that people can hear Terra. Terra answered immediately. She said, "Hello savior. What may I do for you?"

I smirk and look at Mr. Sentos. He said, "What does this have to do with it?"

I said, "Terea, want to do me a favor?"

She said yes immediately. I said, "Can you get me Lutu. I need to speak with her again."

Mr. Sentos looked shocked. Terra said, "I can try."

I said, "Just tell her it is me who is asking."

We waited in silence for a few minutes. A another voice came on. Lutu said, "Hello again Akiho. What can I do for you?"

I said, "Nice hearing you again Lutu. Do you mind helping me with something real quick?"

She agreed and said, "I also have a question for you."

I said, "What is it?"

She said, "What did you do to Sod?"

I said, "Is he dead?"

She said, "No. Just a heavily broken back, broken nose, cracked skull, and a concussion."

I looked at Asher and said, "Wanna go now?"

I turn my attention back to Lutu. I said, "Yeah. I regret nothing though. If you look at Terras wrist. You can understand why. Now, do you mind verifying who won the war. Mind describing them?"

She said, "But it was you. Why do I have to describe you?"

Mr. Sentos said, "Do you mind verifying who you are?"

She said, "I am Lutu. Current queen of the elves."

He looked at me in pure shock. I said, "Thanks Lutu. Just one more thing. Did you find another boy when you found Sod?"

Lutu said, "Yeah. But we did not touch him because he was a monster. He was unconscious. Why do you ask?"

I said, "Can you kill a monster?"

She said, "No. They are already dead."

I said, "Thanks. Just asking for someone who does not believe me."

She laughed and said, "I see. I do hope to see you again. I thank you for protecting Terra."

The flower glow dies down. I said, "Told you. Mind telling the war right?"

He was absolutely dumbfounded. He said, "No way. I have never met someone who is not royalty know someone in such a high title."

I said, "I also know Woodia. We are close."

Mr. Sentos was shocked. He said, "Where are you from exactly?"

I said, "The forest."

He looked confused. He said, "But you are not a monster or an elf."

I shrugged and said, "Yeah dunno dude. Let's continue with what we were doing yeah?"

He said, "Let's just go to training."