Water Part 7

He said, "Kinda. I knew they came here. But I have no clue if they moved or still there."

Neige said, "Looks like someone gets to see their fans again."

I tick out my tongue at him and Squalos said, "What do you mean?"

Neige laughed and said, "When we came to get you, there was a siren who was hitting on me. Then when Akiho asked if they knew where you are, she literally fell onto her."

Squalos laughed and said, "Wow."

Neige nodded and said, "And she became a blushing mess. Her friends came over and they were whispering about her."

I said, "Did you catch what they said?"

Neige said, "Mainly consists if your structure."

I nodded and said, "Makes sense. I knew what her plan was. I am just ignoring the fact that she did not even know I was a girl."

Squalos said, "How can they not tell if you are a female?"

I said, "My height. I am about 6 foot. I was hella strong and fit. You seem me in action. But that is just the very tip of the iceberg."

He looked me up and down. He said, "The somewhat baggy clothes do help hide your body."

I nodded and said, "Exactly. It gives me a better advantage."

We walked into the lake. I was immediately tackled to the floor. I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I wrap mine to help protect them from the fall. I land with a soft thunk. I see the siren from before. She got up quickly and said, "I am so sorry!"

I got up and dusted myself off. I said, "It is fine. Are you hurt?"

She shakes her head no. She blushed deep and said, "No thanks to you."

She then runs off quickly. I catch up to them. Squalos and Neige were holding back their laughs. They finally burst and they were laughing their asses off. I said, "Get it out of your system. Just hurry up."

They laughed for at least a few minutes. They were wheezing by the time they were done. I said, "What now?"

Squalos said, "Dude. That was epic. She literally flung herself at you."

Neige nodded while laughing still. I said, "And? You are saying people do not do that to you?"

Squalos said, "Nope."

I smirk and said, "Guess that means I am the better looking male."

Neige laughed even harder. Squalos said, "But you are not even male."

I said, "Man, I would hate to be so ugly that a girl is a better looking make then an actual male."

I tick my tongue out and he does the same. I said, "We need to go through the back."

They looked confused. I said, "I have an idea. I will go through the back way. You guys go the regular way where people can see you."

Neige said, "And why can we not go with you?"

I said, "Well, for one, you are dressed up like princes. And two, you are princes. Do I need to add anything more?"

Squalos said, "We got it. Let's do this."

I nod and turn and go behind the shops. This area was the illegal area. But it was not as unknown as Earth. I scanned the people and the area. I was looking for someone or someone's that seemed different. Even if it is slightly.

I walk past a sword shop. I stop. I said, "Nice daggers."

The man looks me up and down. He said, "You will not even be able to afford it."

I raised an eyebrow and said, "And why do you think that?"

He did a small motion and two people grabbed me. I said, "And where am I going?"

He smirked and said, "Oh do not worry. You will be of good use."

I knew this was the only way I might be able to find those sirens. They might be protected by someone. You need to use your resources when you are on your own.

I got dragged behind his shop and got thrown into a metal truck. I got up as the door shut. I was in pitch black. I could not see my hands if I put them in front if me.

I snap my fingers and a faint flame lit. I began to walk around. No one was in here. I hold my fingers up and check the roof. Nothing that might give me a way out. I sigh and sit down in the far corner. I begin to make little figures out of flames.

I stayed in there for about 2 hours when I suddenly got jolted to the wall. I put my hands in an x to help block my face. I sit back down and steady myself. I played with flames some more.

Every so often I would get jolted. I would protect myself and continue with what I was doing. We drove for about an hour and a half. We took a sudden brake and I put my hands on the back of my neck and the back if my head.

I heard people screaming faintly. It was also muffled. The door opened and the harsh light came at me. I squinted slightly and heard a gravely voice say, "Get out."

I do and I was told. For once. Once my feet hit the floor he grabbed my hands. He held a tight grip on my wrists and said, "Walk."

I said, "But where?"

He growled and I did the same. He used his other hand to smack me. I dodge and said, "Nah bro."

He shoved me forward and I complied. I could have easily gotten out of his grip. But my curiosity was getting the best of me. And I am honestly down with it.

It usually got me into fights. Which is very fun for me. I was shoved into a damp locker room. There were males changing and talking. The place smelled of sweat and body odor. I cringe at the stench.

I was lead to a locker. He said, "This is yours. You will change into the outfit inside. You understand."

He said this very loudly. Eyes were on me. I said, "But I do not want to change."

He tried to smack me again. I duck and he slams his hand into the locker. He flinches in pain and I said, "Missed again. But better luck next time."

He growled at me and released me. I smirk as I open the locker. I was beside twin sirens. They both had black hair and violet eyes. Their noses crooked from being broken to many times.

One looked at me and said, "You made an enemy by doing that."