Dark Part 2

Zero pinned my hands. I could no longer move them while he was holding them. He said, "Stop moving or else."

I kept moving around and said, "Make me. I will never give up."

He let's me go and walks off. He comes back with a knife. He had a sadistic grin spread across his face. His said, "This will he fun."

I was starting to get worried. My mind was racing on what he could possibly be doing with that knife. He then took my arm a held it to him. He positioned himself to make sure that I am not able to hit or kick him.

He then began to cut somewhat deep into my arm. I screamed in pain. I struggled against the chains try to break free. I could feel him do it all the way up my arm.

It finally stopped but the pain was bad. He then pulled out rubbing alcohol. He then got a cloth and dipped it in so it was heavily coated. He then said, "This will be fun."

He then placed the alcohol on the cuts. I screamed in pain so loud that I thought I was going to lose my voice.He then began to work on my other arm. He did the same thing and left me to be in pain.

I woke up with blood trailing from my eyes. Calmis looked at me with worried eyes. He hugged me as soon as he saw the blood coming from my eyes. I hugged back.

He said, "I forgot to warn you about the dreams."

I sighed with a shaky breath and said, "I was aware. Why do you think I did not want to sleep?"

He nodded and said, "I am sorry for not realizing."

He would not let me go from the hug. He said, "I do have a question though."

I nodded and said, "Yeah?"

He said, "Why were you crying blood?"

I said, "It just happened after I got tortured."

He said, "You were tortured?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah. In the Mystical War."

He released me and said, "Let's get going yeah?"

I nodded and wiped away the blood. He stands up and I do the same. I said, "I prefer if you do not speak if this."

He nods and said, "Yeah. Understandable."

We continue walking. We make it within a few hours. We enter and were greeted by a male and a woman. The woman said, "Who have you brought with you son?"

He said, "This is my friend Akiho."

I bowed to them. I figured that they were the king and queen. What mainly gave it away was her calling him son. They allowed us to do whatever. I said, "What were you even doing in the water kingdom?"

He pulled me off to the side and said, "I was looking for information."

I looked confused and said, "About who?"

He said, "I heard about the princes of Manes."

I nodded slowly and said, "Yeah. What have you heard?"

He was about to anwser when a girl comes walking up. His eyes widen. He said, "I am sorry for what I am about to do."

I was confused until I saw the chick come closer I whispered, "If you want her to leave.Do what you must. I understand."

He gave me a small smirk. I could hear her say, "Calmis~"

He makes a face

She comes closer. He nodded slightly. He placed a hand on my hip and one of the back of my head. He then pinned me to the wall, kissing me. I wait until she comes closer. When she sees, she comes storming up. She drags him off.

She said to me, "What the hell do you think you are doing?!"

I smirked and said, "What does it look like I was doing?"

He growled. She raised her hands to fight me. I said, "I would not do that."

She smirked and said, "Why? You scared I would beat the loving shit out of you?"

I rolled my eyes. I said, "Nope. I can take you with ease."

She laughs and said, "You can not touch me. No one can get through my magic. I gave a force field around me to make sure no one can touch me while fighting."

I then punch her hard in the face. I connect with her cheek. I watch as she falls to the floor. She was shocked. She held her cheek and tears streamed down her eyes. I said, "You were saying?"

She runs off crying. She is all bark no bite. I roll my eyes. Calmis said, "That was fun to watch. Sorry about the whole kissing you to make her leave thing."

I said, "It is fine. I understand that you wanted to get her off your back."

He nodded and said, "Yeah. Who are you going to check up on next?"

I said, "I might check up on Prince Kiko(A/N: My friend Melissa wanted me to use this. Thanks bro😊). What do you think?"

He looked at me with a certain look. I growled and said, "I am not going back there. And you know why."

He sighed and said, "I would hate to make you do it."

I raise an eyebrow and said, "And how would you do that? You are physically not able to make me do it."

He smirked and said, "I am taking you to another class."

I give him a death glare. I said, "Like hell that is going to happen."

He said, "I will help you with Kiko if you do."

I said, "And why would I need your help with finding Kiko?"

He said, "Because he is very shy around new people."

I stare at him. He said, "Are you try to burn a hole through my head? Better stop before you actually do."

I roll my eyes and said, "Fine. But I am not going to talk to either of them.