Chapter 5-Hannah Lee!?

The person outside was Hazel's twin sister ,Hannah. She heard Jay saying this and decided to do a prank on him, she knocked on the door and he answered "Come in?." , "Hello Jay it's me Hazel. I love you too~." All of a sudden Jay gets up and starts clapping she was startled, since she did not expect this reaction ," Beautiful Act Ms. Hannah Lee, I believe we've met before."," What!? How did you know it was me?!", " It's quite simple I know Ms.Hazel well and I know who you are thanks to our last encounter at my concert." ,"Ugh that's no fun, but in all honesty I have forgotten your name pardon me." ," Oh, right I'm Ms. Hazels Assistant, My name is Jay Sung." , " Hmm that name is familiar now that I think about you do look familiar to the singer" ," Uhh ... Anyways let's get you to Ms.Hazels office!" , (Jay's Pov) oh my gosh my cover was blown! I had forgotten I cant let anyone else know!,"Thanks Jay I'll go in now ." ,"Uh right ok well then bye!." Jay ran into his office and shut the door ,"Lets just hope Ms.Hannah says nothing to Hazel..."

*Meanwhile in Hazel's office* , " Hey Hannah what are you doing in Grandma's house?!" ,"I came because I found out you where nearby and I could not miss this chance to see my Sister!"

,"Oh and just so you know Hannah please don't go to the other office next to mine. "Uh to late already did.","WHAT!","Yeah And by the way YOUR ASSISTANT! He looks just like him I mean everything looks so Alike!" ," You've gone crazy Hannah." *Back with Jay* Jay and Cassidy where downstairs preparing lunch because it was noon already and while they we're cooking they chatted. "Ms.Cassidy I really want to tell her who I am but I don't want her to feel preasurred into liking me for status I want her to love me for who I am.","It's ok it's up to you , Should we call them down so they can eat the Sushi and rice we have prepared?. ","Yes let's call them." ,"HAZEL AND HANNAH COME DOWN THE FOODS READY!! ," " COMING GRANDMA!!", Hazel and Hannah came down and Jay served the food they all say down and talked and laughed then Hazel asked ," Wow grandma the Sushi is delicious today what did you put in it?", "I didn't make it dear Jay did." (Hazel's pov) wow I didn't know that he could cook he's really an amazing assistant he isn't one of those guys that just want to work for me for the money. (Jay's Pov) Why is she looking at me like that?!, Suddenly they heard people running and car tires screeching ….. *Gunshots* *Crash* *Screams* ,"HELP!"


---------To be continued--------------💓 💗

Special Thanks ❤️💕 to Cooldawg for being the first to comment 🙋