Chapter 7- In Disguise

Jay Ran as fast as he could after the man. He saw the man enter a room but instead of going in the room. He rushed to the restroom where he put on a black mask and a black suit.Then he took out strange equipment that looked like guns and knives. and then as if it were perfect timing the redhead came into the restroom panting he was tired he thought he lost jay but he was wrong. Jay jumped into action you open the stall door and the mysterious man jumped and the bomb fell.,"HEY WHO SENT YOU? ARE YOU A THE GUY THAT WAS FOLLOWING ME?!","Stop asking so much questions I'm sent from a different organization I don't know what you're talkin about but I was informed that you were going to bring a bomb to the hospital and I will not allow that.","ITS TO LATE either way I can finish you off I have guns you know.","think again mister I already took all your guns and knives.", IMPOSSIBLE!", The guy checked his pockets and there was nothing not even in his socks He quickly ran out but before he did he yelled,"This isn't the end you mysterious black masked man my boss will send me to finish you off just you wait!!",Jay sighed and then he remembered THE BOMB ITS ABOUT TO GO OFF! He took out an item that looked like it was meant for this type of situation and then The final countdown started 10. ,9. ,8. ,7. ,6. ,5. , 4., 3., 2., "Bomb Disabled" Jay sighed in relief he wiped off the sweat on his forehead and then changed out of his suit and quickly returned to the room of the old man and his family.When he got there he saw Hazel laughing with the woman who was talking and the sin was already up with his dad.,"Uh Hello again I'm sorry to say but I have to go and Hazel does to but no worries we will visit you again.,"Thank you young man me and my wife and son are grateful to you and I hope you have a family of your own With your Wife ." ,"Thank you sir." Hazel Looked at Jay astonished .(Hazel pov) Wow he is good,My fans will totally believe he's in love with me.Uh but why do I feel kinda happy when the man says wife..I get a tingly feeling in my chest I wonder why?.,"Alright Farewell Bye everyone!","Bye!" After the visit to the hospital Jay dropped off Hazel to her house and explained to Her Grandma and sister everything .*Meanwhile with Jay at a big Mansion near his house.*

,"Boss We are tracking information about the Subject.","Good Work and remember when you find that guy that dared Attack Hazel ...KILL HIM."


-----🌺-----To be continued--------------💓


If it was confusing the go check out the (background knowledge) That I uploaded it will have more information about what Jay is involved in. 😁💞