Korva's Bar (4)

Vahl started returning home, another fight between two pirates erupted in front of him once he walked into the market, their faces were painted with different markings and patterns than the ones he encountered yesterday, a good example of just how many there are in the city. He quietly closes his door and gets right to training so that he doesn't waste any time, and his mind once again wandered to the kasathas lady named Umana who shares a lot in common with Korva, he just wasn't sure if he could trust her as much as he did Korva.

The next morning Vahl got up even later than usual and rushed straight to the bar, trying to avoid Korva making too much fun about him. When he enters, he notices both Korva and Umana chatting and enjoying their time together, he found this surprising as Korva doesn't chat so happily with just anyone and they seem to have hit it off quickly. Beside him another man enters and walks towards the bar, a human that was large for his race and wearing a feathered hat. It was the same human that had asked Korva to sell her business and punched her. Before the man opens his mouth to talk with Korva and probably ask to talk again, Vahl placed his very large and heavy hand on the man's shoulder, who looks behind him at the menacing behemoth. Vahl put as intimidating of a face as he can and flashed his sharp teeth. The man smiled and seemed more entertained than scared or intimidated, and quietly walks out the door without a word but only a smile.

Korva and Umana noticed this happening and Umana seemed confused. She turned to Korva and she asked,

"What was that man here for?"

"He was here to force me to sell him the arena and bar."

Umana looked confused, seeking clarification, "Really? Is that a common thing in human culture to do?"

She clearly did not know much of the culture most races held.

Korva sighed, wishing it wasn't true, "Yes, unfortunately it's a big part of human culture to seek personal gain over the loss of others. Though most do it through more legit means."

Umana tried to absorb the new information, but had trouble doing so, "That is... intriguing to learn."

Umana took out her holopad and recorded another line in it. Korva smiled when she saw her taking notes and turned to Vahl.

Korva looked at Vahl, hoping to change the subject by asking him a question, "Well? Have you finally found someone you can start putting some trust into? The sooner you find a partner the sooner I can start contacting other arenas and soon enough that pirate won't bother us again."

Vahl heard this and rolled his reptilian eyes but acknowledges that she is right. Korva's eyes wander from Vahl to Umana and back to Vahl again.

Korva's eyes shined in a spark of inspiration, trying to make her next words sounds as appealing to Vahl as possible, "You know, why don't you two give it a try? You two have already fought and Umana tells me you talked before. Give partnering up a try."

Umana pokes her head up from the holopad she was typing into and looks at Korva.

"Sure, I would love to help you Korva!"

Vahl hesitated, he has never fought alongside someone else, but Korva seemed to trust her. Umana also genuinely wanting to help Korva.

"Fine. Organize a fight for us soon."

Korva went directly to the fight pit onto her stand and announced that another fight will begin, much to the excitement of the crowd.

Umana and Vahl head to the equipment room and Vahl grabbed his typical metal bracers. Umana grabs two lower power modified laser pistol, the same that tazes people but with less power to avoid the pit fight being too quick. Vahl walked ahead of Umana who lags slightly behind as she had wanted to talk strategy but Vahl wasn't interested, much to Umana's dismay.

When Umana caught up to Vahl he already stood with either courage or stupidity against the five diversely armed humans. Vahl charged in as he usually does, ignoring any warning from Umana as he is hit with multiple shots from two of the humans, two shots would put any normal person on the ground but Vahl's scales shrugged it off like the bite of a flea and grabbed the closest two humans by the nearest limb, swinging them around to hit the other humans with them like a flail. The other humans didn't seem dumb enough to approach a giant that used a fellow man as a weapon, they backed away and opted to attack Umana instead. Vahl threw a human in the direction of another, hoping to hit one as result, either by coincidence or fate the body flew toward Umana, who was preoccupied with dodging knife attacks from another human.

The thrown human knocked both Umana and the human attacking her to the ground but Umana gets up before the other two notice. She yelled at Vahl for being clumsy with his fighting partner and nearly hurting her.

"Watch where you throw those things!"

Vahl doesn't know what to say, he had completely forgotten that he was fighting alongside someone and not against them. The reminder was a cold splash in the face for him, as he had someone, he was responsible for and yet threw a human at them. It made him feel like a stereotypical muscle headed and stupid vesk that he has always tried to prove different from.

Vahl brought his mind back to the fight, focusing on trying to protect Umana from the humans instead of hitting her with them. It seemed like she was having trouble with the rest of the humans as she wasn't used to the small laser pistols and they proved difficult to use in close range. Vahl dashed to the one closest to her and socked the fighter right in the side of the jaw, catching him by surprised and knocking him out immediately. Only two human fighters remained, and one was smart enough to pick up the laser pistol that the other humans dropped, firing it at Umana. Vahl pushed her out of the way of the shot, but Umana quickly moved behind him, using him as a large cover and avoiding the bolt at the same time. Umana fired one quick shots at the remaining two humans, hitting them and stunning them for a bit but only bringing the closest one out of the fight. The last one fired again at Umana but hit Vahl in the chest who stood there unmoving as he thought he would just get in the way of Umana's shots, and he wasn't that damaged by them anyway. After a few exchanges of bolts Umana put the human down, winning them the fight. Vahl was satisfied for winning, but Umana wasn't very happy with their performance.

When the two arrived back at the bar Umana turned to Vahl, she looked disappointedly, but not hopelessly at Vahl, "That fight was terrible, we didn't have any teamwork at all besides at the end, and by the all you did was stand there and watch. You still don't trust me enough and we should be learning more about each other so we can fight better in the future. My skills are trained as a- "

Before she could say anything too important about her skills, Vahl interrupted her.

"Don't, do not say anything more about your personal skills in this place."

"What? Why?"

"Because the world is not nearly as trustworthy as you think it is, especially in this city, covered in pirates and people looking to exploit others."

"And yet here you and Korva are, two people I think are very trustworthy, there are good people like Korva in the galaxy you know. You don't have to limit yourself to just trusting her."

"Ugh, and the contrary is true as well, people like that pirate who wants to force Korva into selling the building exist all over the place in areas you wouldn't expect. You'll get yourself kill if you aren't careful, you are ignoring the evils in this world and only focussing on the good as if you are ignoring it out of ignorance"

"That does not mean you can't trust those who are not like that pirate Vahl, open yourself up more. This way of thinking of yours is going to get yourself all the same. Maybe you are the one ignoring the good and only focussing on the bad out of ignorance."

Korva walks up to the bar after talking with the crowd of people, placing the credit sticks the two fighters earned on the table. And addressing them without giving them a chance to argue more.

"Maybe both of you are right, have you thought of that? Both of you have a point and that doesn't need to change but maybe you should integrate the others opinion into your thinking."

She addresses both, Umana nods her head but Vahl turned away, not admitting Korva was right but realising inside that she was correct as always. Korva takes the chance to suggest something,

"Both of you go on a walk outside, show each other what you notice. But make sure you listen to the other person."

Korva enunciates the last part of her suggestion while looking in Vahl's direction, who nods slightly. The two head outside the bar & arena, into the dirty and run-down streets that Umana still has not gotten used to. They walk for a short while in silence without any direction, but another shootout between two pirate groups erupted in front of them down the street. Vahl sees this fight as an opportunity to prove his point and turns to Umana once they get to a safe distance,

Vahl spoke up, "You see? Two groups of evil people that care for nothing in this world but themselves and money." Hoping it was enough to prove his point.

Umana nods admitting it was true, but shooting back her own thoughts, "Yes, I admit you are right people like that exist, but look around them, I see people helping others get away from the fight and even someone mending to the wounds of others."

"…fine, you are right that they are helping others, but who knows why they are doing it."

"Have some trust in them Vahl, they are helping others, but you can't say the same about yourself." Umana said, slightly annoyed of having to repeat herself again.

This sentence takes Vahl by surprise, he had never helped another person but himself get away from any pirates that start fights around the area. He only slightly regrets being as selfish as he is, after all he had good reason to avoid involving himself in another person's business, especially in a city like this but Umana made a good point. He turned to Umana, who was hesitating while watching the fight between the pirates.

"Let's go get some food, you should probably learn more about the city if you are going to call me out like that."

Umana quickly responds, "Huh? Oh, yes, I guess I should, sorry for criminalizing you like that." disappointed in herself for making him look like a bad person when she knew next to nothing about him or the city.

The two made their way to a food stall, where they use their money, earned from the fight to buy some food. From across the street a small child sees that Umana is carrying money on her and tiptoes across the street behind her, reaching a hand into the pocket on the back of her clothes.

Suddenly a green and large hand grabbed the wrist of the child and stopped him before he can reach his hand into the pocket and take whatever is inside. Umana notices this as she watches the stall owner hand her, her food, cracking a grin.

Umana explained, much to Vahl's confusion, "Don't worry Vahl, I only carry small amounts of money I don't need in my pockets."

"But he is trying to steal it. Shouldn't you try to at least stop him?"

"The kid didn't mean any harm; they just want some money to buy foods they don't starve."

"um, I see." Still not understanding the logic behind what she said, too kind for her own good.

Umana reached into her other pocket, her clothes were higher quality but the time she spent on the planet had taken its toll on them. In her hand she held a package of what seemed like food, which the child nearly tore out of her and ran in the other direction, probably fearing she might change her mind. Vahl was touched by this, everybody in the city usually helps the children who are still growing up and try make sure they don't lose their lives, but Umana didn't know that. He was slightly touched by her actions and decided it was okay to put a little more trust in her.