Queen consort is a clutz Part1

After explaining the various duties of a trainee alchemist, Master Marcel then brought Tang Yue and Marvin around to the mission board.

Senior disciples, junior trainees, and senior trainees, everyone without any exception, had the responsibility of finishing their mission quotas every lunar cycle.

This was a very strict rule.

After registering both of their talents and test scores with the missions department, Master Marcel turned around to leave, though, not before giving Tang Yue a piece of his mind.

"You seem to have some outstanding missions which you previously took?"

"Are junior disciples even allowed to take missions?"

"It's one thing to use your status and authority to receive missions which you are clearly not supposed to."

"But at least have enough respect to the Association so as to not treat these missions lightly."

"If you are unable to finish them by yourself, join a group. Hmph."

The elf seemed to be very offended by Tang Yue's outstanding missions.