The secret sweetheart of the crown prince Part2

Ginko looked at his partner Gale with a solemn expression.

"I am also concerned about the same thing."


"But that is just one more reason why we need to kill the snake as soon as possible and destroy all shreds of evidence linking us to her."

"Wait. Do you mean…"

"Yes. We need to finish off that elf as well."

"But isn't she a daughter of one of the Crown Prince's Generals? And not to mention the Queen Consort, whom the Crown Prince is expected to wed?"

"Hmm… We don't have to worry about that. The princess herself gave a wonderful idea for explaining all of this."

"Huh? Are you serious?"

"Yes. We will tie it all to the dwarven emissary murders."

"We have to slit their throats in the same way and naturally the blame will fall on the same suspect as well."

Gale nodded. 

No matter how much he thought about this, he as well couldn't comprehend any other way out of this mess.