You will pay for this Part2

Fully aware of the disaster which she had just invoked, Tang Yue continued with her chores and walked over to the alchemy association.

"Are you satisfied now? I made another strong party with heavy backing as my enemy." 

She cursed the damned system which conveniently maintained its silence and refused to respond.

Tang Yue wasn't all that worried about the consequences, because at the worst it was a he-said-she-said scenario.

Besides, she doubted if Marvin would ever let this news spread wide. 

After all, he had to preserve whatever dignity that was left and can't really afford to tell everyone and spread around that a woman slapped him for public misbehavior.

This will only add more humiliation and shame to him.

But still, there would probably be some sort of blowback for this. Tang Yue was sure of it.

Moreover, even after getting into so much trouble, she still didn't get to completely land all the three slaps that she needed.