Your beast is running wild again, bro! Part2

"Hello? Brother? I am ready!" Tang Yue waved her hand in impatience signaling her opponent to start the fight.

Even with her especially thick skin, she started feeling slightly uncomfortable. 

The elf standing frozen in front of her had been speechlessly staring at her for a while now.

The crowd surrounding them was also looking at her with a very similar expression on their faces!

"Hmm… Did I overdo it? This is nothing against the rules! Did they really have to be this surprised??" She pondered.

"Oh wait, maybe I have something on my teeth?"

She leisurely lifted her rare-grade sword shining in the sunlight with a blinding splendor and shamelessly checked her appearance in its reflection.

Kojo's face twitched. Relmar grimaced. Everyone in the crowd wanted to vomit out blood.