Your beast is running wild again, bro! Part4

After hearing Tang Yue's sharp-tongued words, the crowd around them was completely appalled.

"How could she injure her opponents so cruelly?"

"Using poison and money to win! That's the worst!"

"If she has so much power and influence, why did she even have to join in this contest?"

"Oh, you are right. She could have just gone into the labyrinth with one of the royal army teams."

"Is she here just to show off and torture others?"

"What a black-hearted princess!"

The crowd was gossiping quite loudly behind Tang Yue's back pleasing Tang Xi very much. 

She was satisfied to see that her weak yet arrogant sister still retained her self-destructive tendencies.

As a royal consort, she should have focused on her image first, instead of doing these excessive things simply to win a random contest. Tang Xi snickered.