Flame Serpent Spell Part2

Tang Yue focused her mind and calmly tried to feel the mana energy surrounding her.

She could immediately feel a thick wave of energy swirling around her, bit by bit seeping into her body and nourishing it.

She then tried to focus deeper on the energy wave and concentrated on the individual mana particles within it.

Millions of bright specs of energy thrummed alive responding to her beck and call.

They were the basic units of life that enriched everything living in this world.

As Tang Yue inhaled and exhaled calmly focusing on these minuscule specs of mana, she could slightly see some sort of aura wrapped around each mana particle.


Tang Yue clenched her fist and focused more on this aura.

Some of the particles had a fiery warmth emanating from them, some had a nurturing and healing flow, some had a cold frigid feeling, and some even had a tinge of darkness to them.

What the old man said was absolutely accurate!