The human in the elven territory Part3

Tang Yue proceeded to cautiously walk on the sixth 'layer of hell', with Little Plum silently hovering close to her.

The snake kept her eyes and ears wide open and was on full alert.

But weirdly enough, even after she almost reached the end of the tunnel, she could see nothing on her way.

"Hmmm…" The snake hissed.

She continued walking through to the very end and entered the small cavern, that typically housed a high-grade beast.

"Will there be nothing here too?"

However, unexpectedly, just like before, this time as well a huge lizard with three tails laid dead in front of her, cut into a million pieces.

Tang Yue absentmindedly collected her free loot and continued thinking about what might have changed.

"Why were there no more low-grade minions wandering the tunnel?"

"Where did they all go?"

"Was there nothing to even begin with?"

"But that doesn't sound possible."