What if I marry her? Part2

"Freya, how is it that your son has not yet arrived?"

"This is bordering on blatant disrespect."

"Maybe his position has finally gone to his head." 

One of the golden-robed elders muttered with irritation.

"Aha Ha Haa… I am sure he will be here soon. He must have been in the middle of something." Empress Freya smiled weakly.

She decided that it was better to take these acidic words as bad humor and let them slide. She didn't want to make things worse for Xander.

"I even heard that he has been personally tending to that wounded spirit beast for the past couple of days?"

"So he has time for that woman, but not for us?" The elder clicked his tongue and said.

It was very apparent that he didn't approve of Xander and was intent on making things difficult for him.

But before Freya could try and calm down this situation, a booming voice echoed in the throne room.