The young master is bent Part1

"No. No. It's not over yet." Charlotte answered. 

She then hesitated and turned around, revealing her milky white smooth back to Tang Yue, and hurriedly started undressing.

Tang Yue was going to turn around to give her some privacy but she kept wondering how a vixen had such a smooth back and no hair at all and ended up staring at her the whole time.

Inside her body, the old man's soul was quivering with delight. His nasal voice chimed in and happily exclaimed.

[See, because of my meddling, how colorful your life is now! You have gotten yourself quite a powerful ally!]

"Shut up." Tang Yue sighed and ignored the damned system. She had a bad premonition that weirder and weirder quests were going to pop out now.

Charlotte didn't take a lot of time and quickly changed her entire attire. She was no longer wearing her exquisite jewels or her beautifully crafted silver robe.