She is the worst Part4

Tang Yue paced back and forth in the room nervously. 

She only had a little bit of time left to accomplish the quest and this bathing scenario didn't seem like a bad way to accomplish the task.

However, just as the thought floated in her brain, she cursed herself for being so selfish and power-hungry.

Just because the rewards looked extremely enticing, it didn't mean that she should go to any lengths in order to get them.

No. No. No. She was not that kind of a person. She had integrity. Well, some integrity at least.

While Tang Yue restlessly fidgeted back in the room, Charlotte took her time and patiently prepared the water for the bath.

Since the housemaid was still roaming around, she didn't use her fire magic and used a conventional stove to heat the water.

She then brought over the piping hot water, two pails at a time.