She is the worst Part6

Tang Yue shoved some of her long unruly locks of hair behind her ears and looked around. Neither Charlotte nor the little kid was anywhere to be found in her vicinity.

In fact, she hadn't seen either of them since yesterday night, when certain unexpected things had happened and a certain someone had inadvertently witnessed it.

Only Little Blue licked his mouth and rubbed his head against her feet, as usual following her around without any care in the world.

Tang Yue took another look towards her left and then her right and awkwardly clicked her mouth, before bolting in the direction of the mine.

She didn't know where the kid had run off to but she didn't want to linger around and run into Charlotte.

In all honesty, she dreaded facing Charlotte again. 

The things that had happened yesterday were too much for her to process right now. She still had a lot of things to do and very little time.