Contest begins Part4

Tang Zuelo knew that she should be concerned for her daughter, whom she painfully gave birth to herself, but all she could feel was a relief.

Deep down she knew that she had already lost her precious daughter back in the elven territory and whoever that came back with her was no longer her daughter. She was simply pure evil.

Not that Tang Zuelo herself was a saint, but compared to the current Tang Xi, she very well might be.

She didn't know where Tang Xi had disappeared to, but she had no intention of looking for her.

But surprisingly, Tang Xi hadn't really gone that far. 

She had only gone back to Eldoria, the place where she was tortured and almost killed.

She went back to the same elves who had ruined her and broken her apart.

Marvin was no doubt utterly shocked when he saw Tang Xi standing in front of him again, but he didn't feel any pity or sympathy for her.

Of course, he knew what Darius had done to her.