Little Blue vs Little Plum Part1

The dwarf quickly hurried through the winding tunnels inside the mountain, and Tang Yue closely followed behind him.

These tunnels were almost as complex as the labyrinth's tunnels. However, there were clear directions and markers.

They even crossed a couple of other dwarves, most probably the direct disciples of some Grandmaster, who were on their way out.

And of course, they threw a condescending look towards Tang Yue as they walked past her, very loudly gossiping about the incidents of the previous day.

"Is she that girl who is the mistress of the elven prince?"

"What mistress? I heard that she was a slut who simply managed to make her way to the man's bed."

"Ah. OK. That makes sense." 

"Which man would prefer such a plain-looking woman compared to the beautiful lady Charlotte?!"

"Ha Ha. Yes Yes. Was it four years ago, when the Prince and his consort both together visited the royal city?"