Your snake is fiesty Part4

Tang Yue stared at the two flaming dark red eyes looking down at her, eyes that clearly belonged to something that shouldn't exist in this world.

"A demon?" She gasped.

Weren't these supposed to be merely beings of myth and folktales? How is there a demon standing in front of me right now?

Tang Yue instantly leaped back, moving several feet away from the demonic figure.

The mysterious entity looked like a giant black bear but with terribly ominous eyes.

Dark elemental wisps were oozing out of its body, turning the ground it touched into a wasteland.

Its eyes moved as it traced Tang Yue's slender figure. 

The demon did not wait for her to gain a foothold and lunged forward, swiping at her with its giant paws.

In the darkness of the night, its movements were almost invisible except for its burning red eyes, which looked like the depths of hell.

"Little Plum. Do it now."