Responsibilities Part7

Tang Zen saw the commotion and finally decided to step in. "ENOUGH." He bellowed.

"Stop beating around the bush, Consort Yue. What are you doing here at this time of the night?"

Tang Yue hissed as her gaze mockingly lingered on the Serpentine Emperor.

Though he didn't openly curse at her like her dear father, the man's words made it exceedingly clear that the respect he was giving was for her current position and not herself per se.

"I am just passing through. As for what I am doing, that's none of your business."

"Damned brat. Don't you even know how to respect your elders? Didn't the Emperor ask you things properly?" 

Tang Yue's father howled, unable to digest the pies Tang Yue was serving him tonight.

"Enough. Tang Shen. I am talking, aren't I?" The Emperor hissed.

"Consort Yue, I will ask this again. Does his highness, the Crown Prince know that you are here?"