You make your own luck

No one including Tang Yue knew if they were going to survive this ordeal or not. 

The entire network of underground tunnels shivered and trembled under the dragon's immense power.

It repeatedly rammed its body against the barrier and shot out powerful orbs of thick swirling energy from its mouth.

"Damn it. Damn it. Damn it." Tang Yue cursed under her breath. Here she was once again running from the same damned dragon again!

The barrier will hold! The old man had declared with such conviction but right this moment, it was a little hard for her to take his words to heart.

Sand, dust, and rocks drizzled as the dragon continued assaulting the tunnels relentlessly, while Tang Yue and the other snakes ran for their lives.

Though the others were a lot slower than her, it only took Tang Yue a few seconds to zoom through the tunnels and reach the main palace, but it didn't make her feel any better.