Scraping for the last bits

Tang Yue lifted her crimson eyes and looked at the dragon. Would it perhaps give her the last 1% that she required? 

She shook her head and chuckled to herself, ignoring the beast that was about to go crazy. All its eggs were destroyed right in front of its eyes and the monster was livid. 

It no longer even bothered to shout out threats and silently disappeared into the depths of the island after giving her one last threatening look.

"I really need to hurry. I can't afford to lose this fight." Tang Yue's long forked tongue slithered in and out as her gaze wandered and landed on the eggshells near her feet.

Could these possibly give her the last 1% that she needed?

Her crimson eyes instantly brightened up. 

That was it. Now she had everything that she needed. She quickly used wisps of wind to pick up all the eggshells and crunched them down like snacks.

5 seconds… 10 seconds… 1 minute…