Maker strode in front of her Master, not daring to look back. The closer the pair got to the library, the more she could feel what Dianah had talked about. Her Master's malice. She could feel it behind her, driving her forward. For if she stopped it might snatch her up and devour her. Seeing the double doors before her, Maker exclaimed in relief.
"Master, we are here," She gestured to the doors.
Shifting to the side, she avoided being trampled under her Master's boots.
Sebastian opened the doors, his face calm. Maker shivered as she felt her Master's Malice glide over her as he passed.
"I glad Master with us," She tremored, "be doubly glad when have his child. Master is dragon in human form."
Sebastion strode into the room, then stopped. Shivering, his eyes filled with tears as he glared at her ladyship. Stalking forward, he sneered as she staggered back before him.
Growling every word, he spoke, "Tell me who did this, then leave me to my hunt."
Gesturing towards the destruction, he snarled, "How could you allow this?"
Books lay tattered on the floor, shelves hung broken from the walls. Ladders that once gave access to higher shelves were crippled by missing rungs. Mold grew in various places where broken windows allowed rain to seep in. Birds perched in the rafters, adding to the filth that desecrated this sanctuary to knowledge.
"Fuu Fuu Fuu," Laughter crowed out of nowhere, "I like this one Amora, please tell me we are keeping him."
Sebastian closed his eyes, for a moment all was quiet as he breathed. Slowly Maker and Amora felt his malice pull back. It settled back inside, a pearl of darkness caged by a steel will.
"Who do I have the honor of addressing?" Sebastian inquired.
"Fuu Fuu Fuu, Why ask a question you already know?" The feminine voice taunted, "Show me how smart you actually are."
"You're the artificial mental construct that lives within this room. In short, this library is alive. You can repair this damage as you wish. But you don't to hide the true treasure of this room. You. I imagine not being able to strike back against those that did this must be grating. Hence why you like me."
"Fuu Fuu Fuu, very good Master of the Keys," She chortled, "You may address me as Index. But may I ask you a question?"
"Of course Index," Sebastian allowed, "I aim to be of service."
A form shimmered into existence in front of him. She glared directly into his eyes, her tall broad form an easy match for his. Her skin was paper white, with words from various languages scrawled across her body. She wore a simple black dress, accented by a white frilled cravat tucked into the v-neck. Her vellum brown eyes burning with annoyance, only concealed by her unruly ink-black hair.
"What makes you think I like you?" Index snarled, "You could be like the Keepers of before and run at the first sign of hardship or worse, betray us."
Leaning forward, he kissed her full on the lips. Pulling her close, Sebastian hugged Index to himself. Cooing into her ear, he whispered all the horrible things he had planned for those that hurt her.
"Fuu Fuu Fuu," Index giggled, "At last a true romantic," she proclaimed from his arms.
"I am glad you find me acceptable, Index," Sebastian laughed, "But I must release you now."
Index blushed at Sebastian's closeness than pushed herself away.
"Ah yes," She deadpanned, "Your supposed professionalism. I will just have to meet you after your shift then."
Sebastian's eyes darkened, "Index how much control do you have outside this library."
Index paled, for a moment she was caught in his hazel eyes.
"We are all but mice before this snake," She thought, "Yet it only makes me want him more."
"I can only listen," Index clarified, "My brother intelligence refused to hide and was destroyed. He was the one that coordinated the animated objects. It was the last Keeper of the keys that betrayed us."
Sebastion snorted, his eyes turning back to her ladyship, "Very well Index, you're forgiven. Lady Amora, I wish to have a word."
Amora glided forward, her head held high. This was her employee, yet why did she feel like a puppy that had peed on the carpet?
"There are many things that need to be done," Sebastian began, "But first and foremost is the reconnecting of the Kobolds warren. Maker and the others lack the knowledge I need to begin preparing for next season's adventures. We need the miners and trapmakers trapped there. Besides, it'd be wrong to leave them to their fate."
"I may be able to help with that," Index interrupted, "I can put knowledge directly into another's brain. But only three times in one day. And only once a month in the same brain. Or risk damaging the mind.
Sebastian smiled at Index, "That is splendid news! I only need five Kobolds capable of directing five teams of five."
Turning back to the door, Sebastian yelled, "Maker! Get in here! I know you're still listening in the doorway."
A very sheepish Maker stumbled into the room, "Stupid Master doesn't have to be like that! Maker has right to listen in. Master and Mistress talk about kobolds. Maker is the leader of the castle Kobolds."
"Which is why you're getting included," Sebastian soothed, "Pick four other Kobolds to acquire the knowledge from Index."
"Four others?" Maker queried,
"Why of course," Sebastian answered, his eyes shimmering with amusement, "As the leader, you're going to be the first. Which is so nice of you."
Maker shook her head, "Maker can't. Master already impregnate Maker. Until I know if it take or not, I not fit for stressful duty. Will get my second to take over. Her name Fixer, Master will like her."
Index chuckled, "She's right, until we know if she is pregnant or not we can't include her. Besides, you are my first student of the day. We have to get our Keeper of the keys up to date."
Sebastian snorted, "You mean I don't have to sit through any orientation speech or read through policies on safety and other things I'll have to ignore to do my job anyways? I can just skip to learning the useful stuff? This job just keeps getting better!"
"Alright, you are entirely too excited for this," Index deadpanned, "Hold still while I give you a preliminary scan, then we can begin."
Index rose into the air, circling around Sebastian, she began muttering.
Statements of, "This can't be right," and, "what happened to cause that?" Followed by curses of, "How many concussions has this guy had? Fuck!" and "His nose has been broken 6 times!"
Passing over him a third time, Index startled everyone by hugging Sebastion tightly, "Who hurt you this badly?" She sobbed into his shoulder.
Amora stepped forward, "Index what is going on? Is he not fit for duty?"
Index's eyes blazed, "Was he any other man, he would not be. I have no idea how he's not screaming in pain. The old stress fractures, the nerve damage, the beginnings of arthritis in the joints and spine, the I don't know how many concussions. If this man can still form thought he is overqualified for what we need him for. Simply because no outward pain will even give him pause."
"Huh," Sebastian joked, "That sounds like the damage I had in my late teens and early twenties. Isn't that a bitch."
Index snarled, "Alright everyone out! Since it looks like Sebastian here was screwed by everything else, I am going to screw the knowledge into his mind."
Gesturing with a wave, Index shoved both Amora and Maker out the door. Slamming it shut behind them, she fortified it with loose furniture.
Waving her hands again, both her's and Sebastian's clothes vanished. His reappearing neatly folded. Grabbing ahold of his cock she guided it inside of her. Placing her thumb against his forehead, she asked, "Any questions before we begin?"
"Nope," Sebastian sighed, "Nothing I haven't figured out already."
"Like what?"
"Like the fact that even though you're obviously beyond powerful in this room, it doesn't matter. Any adventurers would just look for the central crystal and destroy or take control of that. Or that you've probably had to destroy books to prevent their knowledge from being used against your loved ones. That, even with all your power, you couldn't do anything but hide. Because if others found out what you can do then the attacks would never stop. Things like that."
Index looked into his eyes, her thumb pressing harder against his forehead. Sebastian gasped as she began rocking against him. Her pussy pulsing as it gripped him tightly.
"You talk too much." Index rebuked.
Warmth flooded Sebastian's body, pouring into his forehead. A construct of stats, one he knew well, formed in his mind.
[Int: 10]
[Wis: 15]
[Cha: 12]
[Str: 12]
[Con: 15]
[Dex: 10]
Energy filled his body, opening pathways long destroyed. Circling back into Index as he poured his semen into her, he felt more than heard her climax. More power flowed back through the circuit as she dropped her hand and pulled him into a kiss. Their tounges sharing sizzling knowledge.
Again the construct appeared, but the stats had changed.
[Int: 15]
[Wis: 15]
[Cha: 15]
[Str: 15]
[Con: 15]
[Dex: 15]
Euphoria flooded his body as the headaches he had felt his entire life ceased. Still Index rode him, milking him back to hardness, his hands rising to her breasts. Her moans into his mouth sending more streams of power into him. She screamed into his mouth as he came again, more knowledge writing itself into the walls of his mind.
[Appraise: 6]
[Diplomacy: 6]
[Handle Animal: 6]
[Intimidate: 6]
[Perception: 6]
[Sense Motive: 6]
[Spellcraft: 6]
[Use Magic Device: 6]
[Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous Item, Brew Potion]
Index sighed into his mouth, her gyrations slowing. She moaned in surprise as Sebastion thrust forward once again. Rising to his feet, he grasped her tight. Her legs locking themselves around him as he slammed her into the wall. Capturing her mouth with his, he tore the last of the day's energy out of Index.
[Spells/Day: 6|6]
[0 Lvl: Know Direction]
[0 Lvl: Mage Hand]
[0 Lvl: Mending]
[0 Lvl: Mesage]
[0 Lvl: Open/Close]
[0 Lvl: Prestidigitation]
[0 Lvl: Read Magic]
[0 Lvl: Create Water]
[0 Lvl: Purify Food & Drink]
[1 Lvl: Alarm]
[1 Lvl: Hold Portal]
[1 Lvl: Unseen Servant]
[1 Lvl: Animate Rope]
[1 Lvl: Dancing Lantern]
[Bloodline: Arcane]
[Bonded Item: Ring, Meta Magic Adept]
[Bonus Spell: Identify]
Index screamed as both climaxed. Collapsing into a chair, Sebastian's vision darkened as exhaustion finally set in.
"Sleep well, Master," Index cooed, "I will hold you to the promises you made."
Vanishing back into her crystal, Index scrawled a message on her door, "Closed, be back in an hour"
Slumbering without pain for the first time in his memory, Sebastian passed from all knowledge.