How To Make A Living

Sebastian furiously wrote out his latest orders, handing them to the neverending stream of Kobolds that cycled through the Library. Grunting as he came inside the Kobold sheathed on his dick, he moved onto the next thing requiring his attention. Not noticing as Index removed his latest baby momma and handed the inseminated kobold to her fellows.

"Index what is the status report on the trainees?"

"The last of those responsible for clearing the tunnels are done. As you requested, I have started training this next batch for repair work. The first will be the managers, followed by the laborers. That group should be done in time for your next session."

"Excellent!" He praised, "What is Maker's status on the automatons I asked for?"

"She says that they will be ready 3 days ahead of time. Maker, Slut, Fixer, and Dianah have worked miracles getting those done so fast. Also, Dianah is asking for you to come down, she has a couple of things to discuss."

"Pass my congratulations on them and their team. Tell Dianah I will meet her four days from now, have our usual arrangements made."

"A curtain so you can't see her and Amora present so you don't react badly. Got you."

"What is the ETA on the clearing of the tunnels? Has there been any news?"

"The teams have been working on non-stop shifts. They predict breaking through in 3 weeks, as long as nothing changes. The unsteady nature of that area means they have to shore up the tunnel as they go, thus the slow going."

"Tell them to proceed as safely and quickly as possible."

As Index began talking, her doors swung open, and in walked Lady Amora.

"Speak of the Devil and she'll appear," Sebastian snarked as he rose to his feet, "What is thy bidding your Ladyship?"

"Sebastian, when was the last time you took a bath?"

"A couple of days ago, I believe. Why?"

"Because you have not left this room, except to use the lavatory, since you entered a week and three days ago," Amora replied.

"Is that so?" Sebastian wondered, "I've been so busy I didn't realize."

"Do you even know where you're quarters are?"

"I fail to see what pertinence these questions have on the performance of my duty," Sebastian answered. "Is there going to be a stop between here and the point?"

"My point is you reek!" Amora snarled, "Most of those that live here can track by scent. Including me. I detected your odor on the other side of the mansion. Also, when was the last time you took Slut for a walk? Having the Kobolds feed, water, and tend to her is not being a responsible owner. You have to do those things yourself. The poor thing has been crying all night at the library door. Do you even know what of your partners are pregnant yet?"

Sebastian stuttering, "I've been busy planning the defense of the castle, coordinating the training of the Kobolds, and performing my duties to the warren. I've just begun to set up repair plans for the mansion itself. Which still needs to be finalized. What would you have me do?"

"What you will do, is cease all duties until certain criteria are met. First, you will take a full bath and get yourself clean. Then you will take Slut for a walk and play with her. Finally, you will sleep for eight hours in your own bed. Not at your desk or one of Index's couches," Amora ordered.

"But who will continue my job?" Sebastian queried.

"I and Index will cover for you," Amora clarified, "I have kept abreast of everything you have done. Maker can handle anything to do with the Kobolds. And you still haven't answered about the pregnancies."

Sebastian squared his shoulders, "Index has kept me informed. To date all females I've inseminated now bear my children. It is why I'm working so hard. I need to provide them safety. We've only a short period of time before the next season begins. No casualties are acceptable casualties. I must do all I can to make that a reality."

"Then you will do as I say," Amora declared, "You will not help those not yet born by driving yourself into sickness. I, Index, and Maker can handle things for a day. You will need to handle them when the worst has happened. We all need you at your best."

Sebastian started his reply, but Amora cuts him off, "Index, if you please?"

"Fuu Fuu Fuu, With pleasure," Index declared, "Sorry honey, but as it is I am going to have to burn your chair and the couch you sleep on."

Sebastian was lifted into the air, a glow surrounding him. Hovering into position before the open doors, he then shot back. Clearing the doors, he tumbled down the hall. His momentum finally stopped by the far wall. Slumping to the floor, he could hear the bolts being secured as the Library was closed to him. A low whine drew his attention.

"I really have been a bad owner to you, haven't I?" He asked as Slut laid her head in his lap.

Resting his hand on her head, he began scratching her ears.

Smiling down at her he whispered, "How about you join me for a bath and then we go play outside? Would you like that?"

An affirmative Yipp was his answer.

"And how about afterward, you snuggle up with me on my bed. I have been ordered to get eight hours of sleep. I could use the company."

Slut's tail couldn't wag any harder.

Rising to his feet, he patted his leg.

"Come then Slut. I shall make good on being a proper owner for you."

The small Gnoll danced on all fours around her master as the duo walked down the hall.


Sebastian snuggled against the gigantic fluff that was Slut.

"Lady Amora was right," He admitted, "that bath and the game of fetch with you was exactly what I needed."

Slut purred deeply as she snuggled deeper against her mate. Placing her head against his chest, she sighed.

Yes, I could use a good nap too," He yawned, "This bed is soft, my covers warm, and my pet is watching over me."

The two closed their eyes and soon only the sound of snoring echoed through the room"


Again Sebastian was in the circle of light, but this time he was not alone. A woman dressed in cargo pants and a T-shirt the read, "To Be Fair I Was Unsupervised," had joined him. She had black-furred arms that terminated in clawed hands. An unruly mop of grey streaked black hair framed twin pointy ears. Her face was human except for the pointed teeth and a too-wide smile. Sarcastic brown Eyes dared him to talk.

"So you're the goddess that brought me here," Sebastion growled, "Were you too lazy to use a truck or did I have to be broken and cynical before I made the trip. Twenty-year-old me would've had a field day."

"Oh, Boo Hoo," She mocked, "I don't do pity parties so stop yours. Twenty-year-old you wouldn't have cried nearly as much either. He also wouldn't have done as good a job. Would've fucked the whole thing within the first couple of minutes. Twenty year old you was to in love with his life. He didn't have your devotion, nor your skill. So stop your whining."

"I see," Sebastian mocked back, "So you needed someone that hated everything but in a younger body. Tell me, what else do want me to do? So far all I have done is begin to make the same mistakes. Forgetting personal hygiene, Ignoring those I care for, Hyper focusing on the job, Driving myself to my breaking point, tell me is this the devotion you speak of?"

The woman moves, her hand lashes out and slaps Sebastian across the face.

"Why do you think I placed you where I did, ya daft cunt?" She snarled, "Amora and Index will keep you from working yourself to death. Slut will remind you to have some fun. Maker will always tell you what she thinks. Dianah will give you someone to confide in. Just remember to listen to them, you ass. Why do all of my kiddies have to be so damn obstinate?"

"Its the only way we get anything done I imagine." Sebastian smiled, "What exactly are you the Goddess off?"

"I am the patron Goddes of Blue Collar, Service, and Emergency workers. I also happen to be associated with Lost Causes, Hard Work, Badgers, and Guardians."

"Heh, figures my Goddess would be a Hufflepuff," He laughed, "What name shall I use to blaspheme when things go FUBAR."

The Goddess smirked, "Yeah, you're one of mine alright. My name is Gret. Curse or pray, both glorify me."

"One last question, Why Me?" Sebastion demanded, "There had to have been others that fit the requirements. Others just as broken, just as stupidly loyal. Why bring me here and not one of those others?"

"All of my brood go wherever they are needed when they die. Each life a task that is its own reward. Those that are not required sleep until they are. I had called one before you, but he fell. He is now something dark, I failed when I called him. I am glad you are a much better fit."

"The Keeper before me," Sebastian gasped, "The one that betrayed them."

"Indeed," Gret spat, "you were honest every step of the way. As I knew you'd be. But he concealed his origins from the start. He refused his duty to the Kobolds. He played with the girl's affections. He even tried to seduce Amora. You are several times the Keeper he was. But he still walks that realm, aiding Amora's enemies. If you get the chance, kill him. He is still one of mine, when he dies I will claim him.

"And what is my reward here Gret?" Sebastian snarled, "My own burdens followed me, when will I get my rest?"

"Your reward is that you will never be forgotten," Gret decreed, "Not by those who matter. Those you love will remember you for all their lives. Your children will change things for the better. All because you decided to protect a woman that needed it and support those that had none."

Sebastian shook his head, turning from Gret he walked into the darkness.

Gret snorted, "That's it Sebastion, walk your own way. Be obedient only to those you choose. Serve them in your own way. And never get paid less then what your worth."

Gret faded as she cackled, leaving Sebastian to a peaceful, dreamless sleep.