Rose inn of Black Cloud City was looking at the most wanted criminal's boss. The boss has a handsome face and looked to be around 15 years old. Even when the swords are pointed at him, he stands there without a shred of fear on his face.

"Look at him, he isn't afraid even when about ten swords are pointed at him"

" It's to be expected, 'the head cutter duo' murdered a whole village overnight and committed countless crimes, if someone has to be their boss,

then he has to be an embodiment of evil. Do you think that type of person will be afraid?"

" Yes, look at him, he is like a Devil. I can't even look at his eyes. I'm afraid."

Some people hid behind others while some people left the inn.

'The head cutter duo' is the name of the mismatched duo that had breakfast on his table. They are the most wanted criminals. But they are good at the art of disguise. They usually commit a crime in disguise so it was hard to find them. But with a recent breakthrough in their investigation, the detective agency Hawks found by a Powerhouse on Mystic Realm, found the head butchering duo's real appearance. But it was kept as a secret by the higher-ups.

The duo appeared with their real face in the inn. And with the help of an informer, the Hawks got the details and came to apprehend them. But they were a little late.

Robin stood in the center of swords now, all the white dress people have an alert expression. If he moved a little bit he will be pierced by their sword.

Robin just smirked and thought,

'Hawks level system is based on the color of their hawk badge on their shoulders.

Grey - Beginner level

White - Apprentice level

Orange - True level

Red - Grand level

Blue - Ascension- Mystic level

Violet - Mystic level

One badge for low level

Two badges for middle level

Three badges for a high level.

Here everyone has a white badge on their shoulder. Except for one person with two white badges, the rest had only one white badge.'

The guy with two hawk badge on his shoulder said to Robin,

"Just surrender quietly, it is just a small investigation"

Robin asked,

"Then if I was found not guilty what will you guys do"

The two badge guy said,

" If you are not guilty, we will apologize to you and compensate for your loss."

Hearing him, Robin smiled,

'Can these guys be any more creative.'

Robin knows full well if the arrested him now, then there is only one result for him, that is the life behind bars.

Robin can easily escape from here but he was thinking about something else. This is his real face, he doesn't want to become a fugitive and go everywhere with a disguise.

'Damn. Peter told me always to be wary of others while we were in Noname. I became careless just because I thought this place is safe'

He turned and saw the two old men, companions of the red-eye girl who followed those two criminals walk towards him.

' If those guys are criminals why did that two Old men let that girl follow them.'

'These guys are powerful and they are too relaxed. That means they know about the criminals '

Actually, the two old men are not walking towards him but toward the red-eye girl that is coming from outside the inn. Then Robin saw the girl come and tell something to the two old men with a sad face. Then they had a serious expression on their face.

Seeing their reactions Robin comprehended what was happening,

'They too came for the criminals, maybe to train that girl or something like that. But she couldn't catch them. Either she lost them or she lost to them.'

'If I drag them into this, I can escape effortlessly'

Realizing something, one of the two old men looked at Robin.

Robin thought,

'If I drag them into this, I have to leave this neighborhood, right after clearing my name. They are powerful.'

But before Robin could open his mouth, one of the old men for the trio group walked towards him while having a smile plastered on his face.

Then he said something to a short white dressed hawk guy and smiled at Robin and left back to his companion.

'He surely is an evil person'

Robin still felt something wrong about that old man's smile.

Then the short white dress Hawk guy walked to the two badges white dress guy and said something. Upon which two badge guy said,

"He isn't our guy, let's leave "

Hearing that all white hawks sheathed their swords, turned around, and left.

Robin got freed.

Robin was released.

Robin was left alone because he was not guilty.

But still, Robin has a sour taste on his mouth, his body felt like it's burning.

He was enraged.

Anger bolted inside him.

He felt like the blood in his whole body is boiling.

Those white hawk guys didn't even apologize to him. They are leaving just like that. Then Robin saw them being respectful to the girl and the two old men.


This is power

Till now Robin's plan was just to gather wealth to live his life happily, with a harem fo beautiful girls. But now looking at this, he changed his mind. He needs strength or more than the strength he needs power. Those guys just left like nothing happened, without even a word of sorry, because he doesn't have a strong background and he is weak, they ignored him. They ignored him because they didn't fear a no-name like him.

'I have to get back to my Master.'

'But now I can't sit back and let things happen like this'

'No, I can't think about using the Master's name. Yes. I have to make a name for myself. I have to be my power. I can't let them hit on me lying down'

'I will not only be the power in the dark, but I will also be the power in the light.'

'I have to take it myself. THE POWER'

'If you want something, then you have to take it yourself'

Robin understood how much power is needed for a person to live with self-respect on Celtic, in just this single incident.

Robin chased the white Hawk group that is leaving the Rose inn and stood before them, blocking their path.

"Hey. White Chickens you didn't apologize to me for pointing your doll swords at me."

Hearing that the whole inn was stunned. Then everyone became amazed.

The two badge guy just smiled and asked with a hint of anger in his tone,

"What doll sword? What apology?"

Robin didn't faze hearing that tone, he looked down at the two badge guy's pant and said,

"Doll sword means a sword that hadn't been used for a long time and has become rusty and it is only just for display, it can't be used anywhere. You can only doll them up, practically no use. What's your age 40, not using a sword for 40 years it must have been 'WASTED' "

A large uproar started to happen in the inn. A lot of people started to laugh hearing that.

How could they not understand, which sword, Robin is talking about?

The two badge guy's face turned red, and he shouted at the crowd with anger,


Then he looked at Robin as said,

"If our sword isn't useful can you use yours and catch those criminals. Not only will I apologize, but I will also reward you handsomely"

Two badge guy knows full well that he can't afford to mess with the old man. Since the old man has guaranteed Robin, he should have apologized before itself, but he thought Robin was just a 15-year-old kid and didn't take him seriously. But now that the things have come to this extent the best way is to scare Robin away with the criminals. That was the two badge guy's thoughts.

But two badge guy made a mistake.

"I will catch them in a day, after that be ready to apologize, kneeling before me."

'I will get even with you'

Saying that Robin turned around and walked out of the inn.

" Oh. Yeah... Remember my name "